The 'Good Guys'

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2 days later
Location: Helicarrier

Fury's footsteps echoed through the hallway as he slowly marched down the jail section. There were various villains and criminals hidden behind the bars yet where he was heading was a more secluded collection of cells.

At the end of the hallway, away from all of the other prisoners, were six filled cells.

On the right side closest to the end was Matthias, Denmark. Next to his was Lukas, Norway. Then Emil, Iceland. On the opposite side there was Tino, Finland, closest to the wall. Then Berwald and Peter, Sweden and Sealand. They allowed for the children to be put into the same cell as one of the older nations, to avoid unnecessary cruelty and fear to be afflicted on the children. Then finally there was Vladimir and Aurel, Romania and Moldova.

Currently each of the nations were boredly staring into nothingness, each in their own position against the wall. Peter was fidgeting and stayed practically glued to Berwald's side. While Aurel lay sprawled out on the floor with his head rested in Vladimir's lap as if it were a pillow.

Fury stood before Matthias first, he pressed one of the buttons on the control panel and the sound cancelling function of the cell was turned off.

"So Matthias Køhler, or would you prefer I call you Denmark?"

Matthias glared up at him. "It's Mr. Køhler to you." He said borderline childishly.

Fury wasn't fazed, Matthias has been in a mood ever since he got here. "Alright, Mr Køhler. I won't beat around the bush, your kind, whatever your kind even is, have been doing quite a good job at staying hidden up until now."

"Tch of course we have, up until now there weren't any pain in the ass secret agencies sticking their nose into non of their business." He interrupted and scoffed.

"And how long is 'up until now'? How long has your kind been around?" He demanded in a firm tone.

Matthias muttered to himself and grumbled, displeased. One thing that Fury noticed is that a lot of the time intimidation methods don't work, but Matthias seemed to respond when spoken to firmly.

"For a long time I assume. It varies between countries that exist now, but from what I know there is always one personification per each nation."

"Personification?" Fury tilted his head. "I hope you understand, what you're telling me seems very outlandish... But I'm not exactly in any position to straight up deny such a existence."

Matthias, well Denmark, huffed out through his nose. He crossed his arms over and looked down at the ground, his face sullen. "That's all I'll say. You'll regret it if you start meddling with our nations."

"Alright. Thank you Mr. Køhler." The sound proofing was turned back on and Fury stepped across to the cell opposite.

He knocked on the glass, getting the attention of the blonde who was standing facing the wall, hands behind his his back and humming to himself. He turned round, his large eyes focusing on Fury, he smiled sweetly and walked up to the front of the cell, being face to face with the one eyed man.

"You prefer Tino or Finland?" He asked after turning off the sound proofing.

"Tino is fine." He smiled again, his eyes closing momentarily, he seemed a lot friendlier and calmer than Denmark, something that almost unnerved Fury.

"Do you know why you are here, Tino?" Fury thought of a different approach. These personifications it seemed, they were indeed dangerous to have around yet, important at the same time.

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