What even are they?

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When the four made it to the interrogation room they heard what sounded like a slap and a punch coming from behind the door. Hungary suddenly looked distressed but that quickly turned into a scowl. Poland handed her a frying pan that he got from who knows where.

"A frying pan? what is she going to do with that?" Natasha was half confused and half amused. Her question was answered when the Hungarian woman kicked the door down and dashed in. She wanted to follow suit but both of the blondes stopped her. A enraged battle cry was heard along with gunfire and a bunch of metallic thuds. Once the noise settled they all walked in.

Natasha took her time to examine the scene before her, multiple guards were knocked out and at the desk there sat a dark haired man with his head down. He looked up and his purple eyes lit up, his face was covered in bruises and cuts and his clothes were stained with blood.

He chuckled slightly. "Took you long enough" He commented as Poland and Switzerland helped him up. He managed to stay up for a second but his left leg gave in and he toppled over onto the Swiss who caught him. Hungary was frowning and ran up to him and hugged him.

Natasha turned away and spoke into the earpiece. "I've... I have located both of the targets.... One is badly injured-"

"Hey, can you just shut up with the whole 'target' thing and help us get him out of here?"

She turned around surprised. What surprised and even shocked her more was that the dark haired man was now standing upright, all of the bruises and cuts were gone and the only way to tell that he was previously injured was the dried blood on his face and clothes.

"That won't be necessary I can walk myself."


The four, well five now, kept the truce and together made it back to their jets. The quinjet was closer so they got to it first. Though what they saw was enough to strike a nerve or two. Czech, Germany and Prussia were put in some super advanced handcuffs and had masks over their mouths to prevent them from speaking. All three were sat in the jet.

"What on-!" Switzerland began with a visible vain about to pop.

"Huh? We didn't escape just to get captured again!" Hungary got into stance with her frying pan. Roderich also looked very annoyed and got into stance.

Poland turned sharply to Natasha and shrieked "Traitor!" Then stood beside Switzerland and took out two handguns.

"Wait stop! you got this all wrong!" She put herself in between them and the two avengers who also had there weapons ready. She turned to the two and demanded firmly. "Let them go."

"What? are you crazy?"


Unlike Clint, Steve didn't question her demand and freed the three. The woman sprinted off to her brother while the blonde German took some time to calmly walk off the jet. As for the albino, he barely got the cuffs off before accidentally-on-purpose head-butting Steve in the nose as he got up and ran towards Austria and Hungary. Without any words he just glomped both of them and didn't let go.

Hungary was happy to return the hug while Roderich crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "I get it, you missed us"

"Heh heh, vhy vould I miss you, you stuck up priss?" He joked and once again Austria rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile that crept onto his face.

"Wait, so what's going on here?" Clint ruined any moments that were going on.

"Simple. We weren't the only ones looking for them"

Both Steve and Clint examined the four newcomers. Two of them included their original targets, a light brown haired woman and the dark brown haired man, as well as two other young men, both were blonde and had green eyes, difference being that one had much more organised hair and was a tad bit shorter with lighter eyes.

"Yep, now zhat ve have all found each other. I zhink its time for us to leave." Gilbert let go of the two and started walking away in the direction of the nations jet, only to be caught by the collar  simultaneously by his brother and Feliks.

"I don't zhink it vill be that simple" Ludwig sighed and looked back in the direction of the avengers.

Elizabeta also sighed and walked up to Natasha. "Look, we really don't want any trouble. We are already in enough trouble as it is" She then turned her head to Steve "We-um .. Our... Our kind" She struggled with what she should really call themselves "Our kind plays a much bigger part in this world then you might think. Now many of us are being captured and its our job to get them back.... Our job, no outsiders should intervene."

"If that's the case and you are just as important as you say you are, why don't you reach out? It seems pointless to try deal with such threats on your own... No offence but you don't exactly seem like a professional organization." Clint was starting to get really curious but also annoyed at the fact that they refused to tell them who or what they are, even when Alfred was still at the tower he always went on about. 'you shouldn't be doing this' 'this is dangerous' 'I'll endanger the world if I tell you'. What could possibly be so important that it endangered the world?

"We have kept this secret for centuries, only the odd few remember the times when people openly knew about us. It was a mistake, no one should know about us." The short Czech woman answered the question. "And we are not an organization... technically"

Steve furrowed his brows in frustration, once again the same cryptic responses, and centuries? Don't tell me these people are centuries old? he though before speaking. "Alfred... Alfred F. Jones, do you know him? Is he one of you?". Everyone gave either a nod or a quiet yes. "He said that if your identities were taken, then it would endanger the world. Why, why did he say that?"

Vash clenched and unclenched his fists, digging his nails into his skin to stop himself from lashing out. "Because he is right" He responded as calmly as he could.

"Well to bad, people already know." Natasha started to glare at them.

"We are aware of zhat." Roderich spat through gritted teeth.

The tension in the air was getting thicker and thicker by the minute, no one dared to say anything. It was the ring of a phone that cut through the silence like a knife, playing non other then the Polish national anthem. There was a moment of awkwardness before the slightly shorter blonde answered it and walked off to the side away from everyone.

"Cześć, tu Feliks." He side glanced at Natasha, he had a gut feeling that she was listening in, lucky for him however, out of the languages she learned Polish wasn't one of them. On the other end was Lithuania who quickly got the hint and also spoke in Polish. The rest still stayed tense and silent, some even kept their eyes trained on Feliks while others looked away. They watched as his eyes lit up and he even tried to bite back a smile that was creeping on his face. Once he was done and hung up, he turned with new found happiness and momentarily forgot the presence of the three avengers. "You will like, not believe. Natalia and Katayusha escaped and made it home. Not just them but also Jakub (Slovakia)" He turned to his sister when saying that "And Lily (Lichtenstein)" He turned to Vash when saying that.

His eyes flew open and he dashed in front of Poland. "Is she ok?! she's not hurt is she?" Only after saying it did he realise that its a stupid question, Lily was also a nation after all.

"She's fine, like don't worry so much" Feliks waved his hand dismissively.

"Who was that on the phone?" The avengers continued to be persistent in trying to get answers.

At this point Feliks looked bored. "A close friend of mine... another one of us." Without really noticing it he started to head back to their jet. The others also followed suit. Natasha was about to follow but Clint stopped her and whispered in her ear, the three that they ran into had tracking devises (with microphones in them) attached to their clothing.

If they let them go now. Maybe they will finally start getting somewhere.

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