Easy lies

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Everything was silent. Then Cap decided to speak first. "Son, drop the weapon"

"You drop yours first, all of you, and back away from him" Came the immediate angry reply whilst he pointed the axe accusingly at everyone.

"Everyone stand down"

Some were more reluctant then others but eventually they followed the orders and lowered their weapons, Thor even took a few steps back as to meet the boys request. After a few more seconds and untrustworthy glares he also lowered the axe and stepped backwards over Norge then kneeled next to him.

"What do you want?" he asked with a scowl.

For a few seconds, the whole team were at a loss for words. What are they even supposed to say in this situation?

"We came here to investigate certain... Energy signals. It would seem that your friend here is the source of them" Tony spoke as he took a few steps forward, Denmark tensed and once again gripped his axe.

"So? I won't let you take him, not over my cold lifeless body" His scowl turned into a warning glare.

Tony was about to speak again when they all heard footsteps. Their heads snapped to the direction of a silver haired teenager with a puffin on his shoulder  "um... Did I walk in at the wrong time?"

"ICE!?  What are you doing here? Norge told you to go home!" His eyes were now wide in panic.

"well yeah... But you were gone for so long and..." he trailed off a bit, he seemed to be completely unfazed by the scene in front of him.

"Ok, I think we should all calm down, this was clearly a misunderstanding" Steve tries to keep the situation under control. 

"Not exactly cap, this boys energy readings are off the charts, just like Loki's were" Tony interrupts after scanning him.

"Loki?.. as in the God of mischief?" Iceland raised a brow, not completely being aware of the mood. 

The avengers seemed slightly surprised that the boy knew who Loki was. Especially Thor who began to approach the magenta eyed teen. "And how is it that you know of him?"

"U-um..." Iceland seemed to shrink a little and started stepping back. 

"Jesus, Thor don't scare the poor kid" Hawkeye joined everyone on the ground. While Emil took the chance when Thor was momentarily districted to slip past him and join Mathias next to his brother.

"What happened to Lukas?" He tried to change subject.

"It's just a stun arrow , he should wake up in a few hours"

"So it was you?" Denmark got up but Iceland caught his arm before he could do anything. He somehow managed to pull him back to the ground while Mathias grumbled cusses in Danish. After a few more minutes of the Avengers trying to convince them to step away from Lukas and Thor quickly losing his patience, Lukas started to stirr. It went unnoticed at first since Denmark was busy arguing but Iceland soon noticed and started trying to talk to Norway. 

"Lukas? Lukas can you hear me?"

He fluttered his eyes open to the sight of his little brother. "Huh?... what are you doing here Emil?" He asked while sitting up groggily, all arguing stopped and there was a silence. 

"Norge!" Denmark practically pounced at him and hugged him tightly from behind. 

"Let go of me you idiot Dane!" Norway struggled for a bit but quickly realised the situation they were in and stopped squirming in favour of glaring at the four men. After another second Denmark let go of him and stood up, axe in hand. Norway sighed and also stood up "Mathias, stand down" he huffed out boredly. He was surprised at first but did as told and relaxed. Lukas walked up closer to the four men, more specifically towards Steve who he assumed was the leader. "My name is Lukas Bondevik" he held out his hand, which Steve unsurely shook. 

"Steve Rogers" Everyone, Denmark and Iceland included, were shocked at the sudden change of attitude, even if he was just knocked out, he did fight two of them earlier and overall acted hostile. 

"I assume you have questions for me" He stated monotonously "I can answer some of them, but I'm not going anywhere" It was as if he was reading their minds and it really didn't sit well with any of them.

All in all, the atmosphere calmed down and Lukas got asked many questions, mostly involving his powers and connections. He played along obediently and answered most with perfect lies. He lied that, he had his powers since birth, no he didn't know Loki  (at least not personally) , no there weren't other people like him, yes he was human. 

Although Lukas was very obedient and even managed to keep Mathias calm. They still felt uneasy around him and were somewhat bothered by his supposed emotionlessness. Some time later they got a call from Natasha that they should start heading back. They were reluctant to leave without the target, but Lukas proved himself 'trustworthy' and even offered his address in case they wanted to contact him again.

The three Nordics watched them leave and once they were out of sight Norway turned to Denmark. "Is it alright that I stay round your place while I arrange a new home?"

"Of course! Gotta say ,you played that off perfectly. Plus I can't believe we got to meet the god of thunder himself!" Denmark swung his arm around Norways shoulders. In turn Norway glared at him but didn't really bother to push him off.

"shut it. I barely managed to brush them off, and it looks like I'll have to take a break from magic for a while now"

Iceland rolled his eyes and started walking down the path. "I suppose it'll be a change of plan then? We should just contact Sweden and Finland"


On the way back to the tower Tony explained the whole deal with the kid, that he simply had these powers since birth and wasn't a threat at all, he was slightly disappointed that they had to leave early and made a mental note to go back sometime. After they were done with their report, Bruce and Natasha explained why they had to return so soon.

"I got a report from S.H.I.E.L.D , apparently we aren't the only ones looking for those people. They already managed to get three identities , some of our agents managed to hack them" She explained the took out a device from which a hologram was shown.

there were three images of people, under each there was a name and a country, they all believed it was the country they were 'from'.  Bruce went to explaining the rest.

"The first one, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo" Spain "he was at the alien attack in Barcelona" everyone was paying close attention. "The second, Natalia Arlovskaya , she was in Kraków" Belarus. "The third one is interesting because we have a possible location. but its not worth the time of all of us, yet all agents sent there are yet to return."

"I volunteer" Tony interrupted him. "My suit still has plenty of fuel and we're not that far away from Romania" He pointed to the country name under the photo of a red eyed man, well boy, what was it with all of them looking so young? "He's in Romania right?"

"Vladimir Popescu, he was actually seen in Karakose, Turkey." Banner corrected. "and it's suspected that he's still there"

"A little further but I can still make it in no time, plus I actually have a few tricks up my sleeve this time, he won't disappear like that kids brother did" he said with a confident smirk.

"I don't think its a good idea to go alone, Stark." Steve per usual being rational. "one of us will have go with you"

"why, you think I can't handle it?" He retorted and got in front of Cap.

"I'm afraid that can't be done Steve" Natasha intervened before they started arguing "We can afford to be one down but the rest of us have been assigned to check out a possible headquarters for the organization"

"In that case I'll see you all after the mission" He already had his suit on and it was clear it'd be impossible to change his mind. The jets door opened and he flew out into the direction of Karakose.

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