Nordic 5

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Location: Copenhagen. Denmark's house.

Sweden and Finland sat next to each other on the couch, a light blue blanket covering both of their legs, and they watched over Sealand and Ladonia who were playing on the carpet in front of them. Meanwhile Iceland sat in a armchair opposite, sipping a cup of tea and occasionally talking with Mr.Puffin. Norway was sitting at the table in the next corner of the room, attempting to read a book while Denmark kept bugging him, eventually leading to him grabbing his tie.

Just a seemingly normal day for the Nordics. It has been decided after the encounter with the avengers that they would temporarily live together again. Just until the whole nation-disappearing crisis was solved and their tracks were once again covered up and away from S.H.E.I.L.D.

Norway was in the midst of cutting off Denmark's air supply when the pin on his head started beeping. He let go of the Dane and excused himself to the kitchen. What he got wasn't a phone call like he expected, but a message in morse code. The only other two nations that could communicate with him this way was the magic trio, since each one of them had some form of phone/tracking device disguised as a accessory, mainly inspired by his hair clip. He knew that England would be busy planning tomorrows rescue missions plus he would of just normally called him rather then using morse code, that only left one option. But wasn't Romania also missing?

He recorded the signals so that he could replay them later. The basic jist of the message was:

"This is Romania speaking. I don't have much time before they find messing with my luck charm suspicious so I hope to god you're listening. I managed to escape the hydra base along with Moldova. But then I got taken in by the avengers and now I'm being questioned. Moldova already let it slip who he is but I'm trying my best to cover this up. Don't send anyone, I'll find a way out myself. If I'm not back in 3 days I want you to forward this to Bulgaria." 

Then it abruptly ended as if the charm was taken off of him, which it probably was.

"Who was it?" Denmark asked as Norway walked back into the room.

"Romania. He escaped but is now getting questioned by the avengers"

"Oh my, I hope he'll be ok" Finland worries, he may not be that close to Romania but he didn't want any of his fellow nations getting hurt.

"I'm hoping that he doesn't let anything slip..." Iceland mutters.

"I d'n't th'nk 't'll b' th't b'd 'f th' 'v'ng'rs kn'w" (I don't think it'll be that bad if the avengers know) Sweden was one of the few nations, although the only Nordic, that didn't oppose the idea of seeking help from S.H.E.I.L.D.

Finland sighed and shook his head. "Su-san... I love you but I seriously have to disagree with you this time" 

"Besides!" Denmark yelled his way into the conversation. "Tomorrow are the final rescue missions. The rest of the nations also managed to escape on their own. So soon everyone will disappear again and things will go back to normal" Norway then hit him upside the head. "Ow what was that for?" He whined while holding down his gravity defying hair.

"It's not that simple, idiot Dane" Norway crossed his arms then explained as briefly as he could. "Even if we did somehow manege to delete all evidence from their systems then it doesn't change the fact that they would still be out there. As well as people who know about us. It hasn't been brought up yet but sooner or later we will have to result in terminating the organisation and in a worst case scenario..." He ran a finger across his throat to simulate an execution.

"OK let's not talk about such scary things in front of Sealand and Ladonia" Finland frantically shook his head and hands to stop the topic.

"That is sort of scary..." Sealand admitted quietly while pausing the game of cards he was playing with Ladonia. "But I'll be alright. I'm a nation after all" He proclaimed proudly and stood to his feet.

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