3: Corey Haim

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Okay, so I'm gonna write myself an imagine for my birthday! Yay! Self centered much? Yes, very. Okay, okay, okay...YEET!

I woke up and hoped out of my bed excitedly, because it was my birthday! I was turning 14 that day. I jumped in the shower and threw on a white sweatshirt, a short jean skirt, white scrunch socks, and my white keds. I curled my brown should length hair and put a white bow in the back, then I ran down the stairs. "Hello, family!" I greeted them as I leaned in the doorway.
"Good Morning, honey." My mother said as she slid a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. "You'd better eat quick or you'll be late to school." I wrinkled my eyebrows and put a piece of bacon in my mouth. After I finished eating, I grabbed my bag and gave my mom a hug, expecting her to say something about my birthday. "Have a nice day at school, Madison. Bye."
My mouth dropped and my eyes grew wide. "Anything else, mom?" I asked with hope in my voice. She shook her head no and I took off out the door. I slammed it shut and screamed into the neighborhood. "ARGGGG!" I couldn't believe she fucking forgot my birthday! What a great mom! Oh my lord, I was so pissed at her. I stormed off to school, as mad as ever.
I plopped down in my math class and threw my book bag to my side. God, I couldn't believe it! I clenched my fist and teeth and listened to the morning announcement.
"Good morning students! Today is Friday, yay!" Out principal said sarcastically. "We will be serving chicken, steak, and hamburgers for lunch today. Now, before I say goodbye, there's a student here who wishes to announce something."
I calmed down and decided to listen to the students announcement.
"Um, I just wanted to say happy birthday, Madison! I hope you have an amazing day. You so awesome and I wish we could get together, but, that won't happen." The voice sounded like a male. "Ok, so, have a great day, Madi. Bye-bye." I smiled, showing off my pearly whites, and felt my face flush. That message was so sweet, I just wish whoever said it, would tell me.
The school day dragged on and people wished me happy birthday every now and then, but I never found the guy who wished me a sweet one. I strolled out of the school and started walking home. I skipped a little ways past the school then I heard pounding feet behind me. I ignored it. "Hello." Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to meet a boy. His name was Corey Haim and I've known him since 3rd grade. He was about 5-foot-7 and he had golden skin and messy dirty blonde hair. He was wearing acid wash jeans, a plain black shirt, and black nikes. I've liked him ever since I met him.
I looked into his ocean blue eyes and said, "Hi."
"Um, I was wondering...do you know who I am?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
I nodded, "Corey, yeah."
He coughed and looked to the sky, "Um, I just wanted to tell you happy birthday in person."
I cocked my head, "In person?"
"Uh, yeah. I was the one, who uh...said that thing, this morning." Poor guy was so sweaty and nervous.
"Oh!" I exclaimed. "That was you? Thank you so much, it made my day!"
He nodded, "You're welcome."
It was silent for a minute. "Well," I started, "I better get home. Bye." I turned and started walking home.
"Wait, Madison." He turned me around by the shoulders so I was facing him. "Um, I just, uh, I wanted to tell you..." He inhaled a deep breath, "I think I love you." I was speechless. "Listen, I've liked you ever since we met in 3rd grade. You're funny, smart, and beautiful inside and out. You're amazing, I hope you know that." I lunged myself at him and wrapped him in a great big hug, which resulted in him hugging me back.
"Thank you...I think I love you too." I whispered in his ear. After a minute or two we disconnected and he walked me home.
"So..." I started. We were facing each other in my drive way.
"So..." He said as he rocked back and forth on his feet. "I can't wait." He leaned in and I did too. He snuck his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. He closed the gap between our lips and kissed me with passion I didn't know he had. He caressed my face and deepened the kiss, our lips moving in perfect sink.
We kissed for a good minute or so and then I pulled away. "Listen, I got to go. I'm glad you confessed. I'll see you later." I hugged him one more time.
"Happy birthday!" He waved as he walked away.
I smiled big, "Thank you, Corey." I walked into my house with a giant smile. I closed the door and slid down onto my butt and whispered, "Best...birthday...ever."

Well, I loved this so much. I wish that would happen to me. Um, okay. Please comment so I can write moreeeee. Well, have a nice day. Bye. #finallyfourteen


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Happy birthday to me.

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