13: Jonathan Brandis

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For Abahwhale

I sat in my beanbag chair, in my cozy room, snuggled with a pillow reading, h"The Outsiders," as snow fell down from the sky and covered the NYC ground. I turned the page and gasped as something hit my window. I quickly put down my book and ran over to the window, pulling the curtains out of the way. Standing on the fresh layer of snow was my best friend, Jonathan. He held a snowball in his hand and chucked it at my window.
I screamed and watched him as he laughed. "Hey, Abigail! Wanna hang out?" He pushed his dirty blonde hair out of his face with his mittened hand.
I shook my head and giggled as I opened the window, feeling the cold air hit my face. I pushed back my dark brown hair and yelled down to him, "No, it's too cold!"
"C'mon, Abigail! It'll be fun!" He put his hands together as if he was praying, "Please!"
I rolled my hazel eyes and yelled, "Fine!" I shut the window and watched him as he did a funny, little dance. "Just for you," I whispered to myself as I quickly threw on a sweatshirt, shoes, and earmuffs. I made sure to grab my black mittens and I raced outside to meet my crush...uh, I mean my best friend.
As soon as I closed the door, I was pelted in the face with a hard snowball. "Hey!" I yelled angrily as I wiped snow out of my eyes, "I wasn't ready yet, cheater!"
Jonathan was clutching his stomach from laughing so hard. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." He picked a block of snow off the ground and spoke quickly, "Ready, set, go!" He ran off, leaving me to chase him.
I picked up some soft, fluffy, snow and made two snowballs, throwing the excess snow on the ground. "Get back here!" I screamed as I took off after him.
He turned around and pelted me with a snowball unexpectedly. Jonathan started laughing as he put his hands on his ears and stuck out his tongue, "Catch me if you can, Abi!"
I chucked a snowball but missed but half a centimeter. "Dang," I whispered as I started running to catch up with him. I threw my other snowball and hit him right in the middle of the back.
He spun around, nearly slipping, "You'll pay for that!"
I mocked him, "Catch me if you can! Na na na na na!" I stuck out my tongue and started running whenever he plastered a big smirk on his face.
I was panting hard and I slipped, falling right on my butt. "Owwww," I groaned as I rubbed my buff. "Ouch, ouch, ouch."
Jonathan came to a sliding hold and fell down to his knees next to me, "Oh my God, Abigail! Are you okay?"
I stared into his eyes and managed to squeak out a, "Ya. I'm okay."
I studied his face. The tip of his nose was red and he had bits of snow in his hair.
"You know?" He said as he pushed my hair out of my face, "I really like your freckles. They're cute." He poked the tip of my nose with his index finger, "Boop."
I smiled and tried to hid a blush, "Thanks."
It was quiet for a second. Jonathan fell to his butt and went criss crossed. He sighed heavily, "Abigail...I have to tell you something."
My heart sunk. What could it be?
"Listen, Abigail...I...I really like you. Like, more than a friend. Like, I really like you...a lot." He itched the back of his neck, "I understand if it's too weird for you to still be friends with me. I just had to tell-"
I cut him off with a kiss on the cheek. "I really like you, too."
Behind my back, I was busy making a snowball, making sure he couldn't see.
"I really like you, too." I repeated. "But, I told you you were gonna pay." I smashed the snowball in his face and got up running.
"Abigail!" He called after me, "I'm gonna get you!"

I hope you really liked this! I kinda don't know if snow is that sculpt-able since I've never seen it, but pretend it is, lol. Remember: comment, vote, and keep reading!

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