12: Wil Wheaton

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For _bulltrue_

Me and my best friend, Madi, started walking from Math class to the gym for PE. Honestly, I don't understand how kids hate PE. I love it! Especially since this week we're playing volleyball with the boys.
Madi and I walked into the locker room to change into our gym clothes. I pulled my shirt over my head, "I just love volleyball."
"Me and you both, pal. And playing with the boys is fun cuz they actually try." She took off her shirt and put on a green one, "The girls don't even try and I hate it because I actually wanna play."
As I put on my gym shoes I sighed, "I know what you mean. I hate how they don't try but get perfect grades."
We walked out of the locker room and started to stretch on the right side of the net.
"First come, first serve!" The PE teacher, Mrs. Camerana, yelled.
The boys hustled onto the other side of the court and pushed each other, trying to find an open spot-meanwhile, the girls didn't even wanna play.
"Alli, tell them something. Cuz I don't want boys over here." Madi nudged me.
"Dudes, get your butts on the court and hurry up and play. Quit being babies." I said to the group of girls who where picking at their nails.
A short girl with long black hair stepped up, "And who made you boss, Allison?"
"I just thought I'd step UP and be the bigger person here, Monica." I said in the same snotty tone she said to me.
I heard Madi giggle behind me.
"Well, for your information, bi-" Monica started.
Mrs. Camerana interrupted her, "Girls, get on the court and quit being babies. Unless...you want a failing grade today." She shrugged and walked away.
I crossed my arms and narrowed my at Monica while she rolled hers and walked onto the court with a pocketful of attitude.
"PLAY BALL! Girls, you can serve first." Mrs. Camerana yelled as she rolled a girl named Heather the ball.
She served it underhanded and a boy named Corey on the other side passed it to the setter, who was River, and he set it up to a boy named Wil: my crush.
Wil and I are just semi friends. We talk a little bit but not too much. He's so cute.
Wil jumped up and tipped the ball over the net, causing Madi to dive onto the floor and do a pancake to save it. But, Monica was next to her and didn't move a single inch to even try and get the ball, causing it to hit the ground.
"Dude," Madi got up and threw out her arms, "Monica!"
She gave a snotty smile, "Sorry."
"Bitch," I heard Madi say under her breath, causing me to laugh.
Corey got the ball and served it over. I got the ball up and passed it to Miranda, who set it up to Madi. Madi and I were actually on the real volleyball team, so if you hear me bragging, that's why. Madi did her steps to the net, jumped, and hit it with good swing. "HEY, NICE ONE!" I yelled, expecting the ball to hit the ground. But to my surprise, Corey got underneath it and popped it up to River, setting it to Wil again.
I watched as Wil jumped up and slammed his hand against the ball. But what I didn't see was the ball. Before I knew it, I was knocked to the ground.
"Shit," I said as I fell on my butt. The ball Wil spiked over hit me right in the face, causing a bloody nose. "Ouch, ouch, ouch." I whispered as I plugged my nose with my fingers.
Wil came running under the net and slid on his knees to my side, "Oh my gosh, Alli, are you okay? I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to do that to you!"
"It's alright," I said in a funny voice because of my nose.
Mrs. Camerana came running over, "Gosh, Allison, are you okay?"
"Fine." I said.
She put her hand on Wil's shoulder, "Could you walk her to the nurse?"
Wil nodded and helped me up.
When we were in the hallway, he apologized so many times. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, Allison. I didn't mean to!"
I shook my head, "I know you didn't. Accidents happen. It's okay, don't worry about it, Wil."
"I can't believe I hurt the girl I like..." I heard him say.
I turned my head to him quickly, "Wait, what?"
His brown eyes met mine and he looked shocked, "Uh, what?"
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing," he said.
I raised my eyebrows, "I heard you."
He hung his head, "Oh, geez. Now you hate me."
I laughed, "Why would I hate you, Wil?"
We turned a corner, "Because now you know I like you and you're gonna think it's awkward and not talk to me and think I'm weird and-"
I interrupted him, "Wil, I like you too."
He looked and me and stopped in his tracks, "What?"
"I said I like you, too." I stopped and stared into his eyes. "Have for a while now."
Wil shook his head, "What? Really?"
I nodded and tried to hide a smile.
"Wow, he face palmed, "Just wow."
We pushed open the nurses door and she told us to sit down in the leather chairs as she got some tissues.
"I'm kinda glad you hit me." I giggled.
Wil gave me look that said, "really?" "DO NOT REMIND ME, I SAID SORRY!"
I punched his arm softly, "You know what I mean. Otherwise I would've never known."
He smiled, "Ya, I'm glad too. Well, no. I'm not happy I hit you. But I'm happy we're here. But, wait, no. You know what? You know what I mean." His face was turning as red as a tomato.
I placed my hand on his, "Ya, I know whatcha mean, jellybean."

HAPPY BRITHDAY TO MY FIRST WATTPAD FRIEND, ALLISON! I LOVE YA, DUDE! (No homo, lol) I hope you have an amazing day! Everyone-go follow her _bulltrue_

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