10: Corey Feldman

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For MrsLeonardo_Dicaprio

"MRS. MRS." Vice President, Mr. Sam Emerson came running into my office, waving his arms as if bees were flying around him.
"I'm busy, what do you want?" I asked, annoyed. I was busy signing off laws and more presidential stuff. It was about 8 am in the morning.
"He...Corey...he." Sam was painting. "Sorry...I just ran up the stairs..." He took a giant sigh.
I rolled my eyes, "Spit it out."
"Corey is on line 2 and he's acting nuts! He needs to talk to you."
I picked up the phone and clicked on line 2, and shooed Sam out of the room.
"Hello? Corey?" I asked into the phone.
"Deidra, honey, am I glad to hear your voice! I'm in huge trouble." His voice sounded dry and crusty.
"What is it? Are you okay?" I asked with a bit of panic in my voice. I heard rummaging on the other side of the line.
"Yes, hello. We have Corey. We're keeping him in a high guarded castle in Nothern Italy. Well only give him back if you bring us one million dollars in return."
And with that, they hung up. "What..." I muttered to myself. "Shit..."
I slammed down the phone and ran out of the room. "Sam, Sam!"
"Yes, ma'am." He called from his office. I slid into his office and hit the wall.
"You're in charge! I got to go!" I yelled and ran out of his room, down to the basement.
"Wait, where are you going?" I heard his voice call, but I ignored him.
I quickly changed into clothes that I can move around in and pulled up my hair Ina messy bun. I grabbed two hand guns and a whole bunch of bullets. Time to kick some terrorist ass.
The helicopter was on the roof, so I ran up the stairs and got in.
I landed on a castle in Italy, hopping this is where Corey was. I quickly got out and ran to the little chimney they had with a door on it. I jiggled the knob: locked. "Damn," I sighed. My fingers flew to my hair as I remembered I had a Bobby pin. I stuck it in and jimmied the door open. I ducked down and got put a gun, loading it with lead.
I waddled over to a balcony like area and heard talking downstairs. "So, you wife is the president of the United States?" I heard someone ask. It sounded like the guy on the phone...
"Yes, sir." I gasped. My baby! My love! Corey's still alive! "She'll send an army for me."
"Bet." Another guy said aggressively.
I peaked over the box I was hiding behind and saw 4 guys dressed in baggy camp pants and all wearing French hats.
"When is she coming?!" The recognizable voice yelled in Corey's face. He was tall, and buff. He had a machine gun on a strap around his neck, along with some dog tags. Corey didn't answer him. "Don't make me ask again!" He slapped Corey in the face, hard.
"Hey! Man, I didn't get to talk to her!" Corey yelled. He was in a wooden chairs, tied up like a criminal.
The man stroked his mustache and placed his hands on his hips. "If she's not here, with my money, in 2 minutes, I'm gonna shoot you." He pulled the gun over his head and looked at it closely. "I will not hesitate either."
I saw beads of sweat on Corey's forehead. "Shit," I muttered.
I turned around and held my gun tight in my hands. "I'll be back in two minutes...cmon boys. Give him some time to rethink his life." It was as if the Angels had started singing! That was my cue! I watched as the men walked out the door and slid it shut.
"Shit. Deidra, I wish you can hear me say I love you one last time before I die..." Corey sounded like he was chocking up.
I hoped up and jumped off the small balcony, landing on my feet. "I just did."
"Deidra? Baby, am I glad to see you!" He exclaimed.
"Shush." I said as I started untiring him. "Let's get out of here."
We ran to the stairs and climbed them ever so softly but quickly.
"Hey, man, boss mans gonna be here so-" a guy stopped mid sentence. "Hey!"
I turned and shot at the speed of light. He fell to the floor, blood leaking through his green shirt.
We ran out the door and jumped on the helicopter. I started it and we lifted into the air, blowing around the dirt and trash on the roof.
"Hey!" The boss man and two guys burst through the steel door and started shooting at the helicopter.
Corey reached for my gun, grabbed it, and shot. I focused on flying the thing while getting shot at. Not the way I thought I would go.
Finally, we flew away from the terrorist. "Deidra...you came by yourself? I can't believe you! I'm so angry...but proud at the same time. I can't believe you did all that for me." Corey was looking at me. I could feel his eyes on me.
I chuckled, "Corey, I love you. I had to."
"I love you, too, honey," it got quiet, "you're freaken bad ass, too, babe."
And with that, we flew back to the White House, and we didn't tell another living soul about what happened.

Golly. I hope you like this. I haven't written in forever! I'm so tired, I wrote this at 2 am. I hope you like it. Btw, happy New Years!

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