6: Zack Morris

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Again, I'm just making this because I'm bored. Plus, no ones been commenting and idk.

Tomorrow morning is the day I'm moving. Yeah, y'all heard me, I'll be moving to Iowa. I live in California (idk where saved by the bell takes place so don't judge) and I go to Bayside High School, though this'll be my last day. I'll be moving tomorrow morning, so today is the last day I'll see my friends...including my boyfriend, Zack Morris.
I got to school and Jessie and Kelly hugged me. "This is it." I said bluntly. I was so sad I'd have to leave them, they have been my friends for forever!
"Don't. Don't make me cry." Kelly said with teary eyes. She waved her hands in front of her eyes to dry the tears. "OH! I'll miss you so much!" She gripped me in a bear hug and bawled.
I patted her back, "I'll come visit you guys...sometime?" I said uneasily. "It'll be cool, fine," I lied.
School ended, thankfully, and I could finally see Zack...for the last time. I walked to the apple tree where we always meet after school, and sure enough, he was there. He sat on the ground wearing black jeans, a blue and pink stripped sweatshirt, and his hair was perfect, as always. I walked up to him and he stood up, "Hey, I can't talk. I actually have to go, I'll see you!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and skated off on his skateboard. WHAT KINDA OF GOODBYE WAS THAT, ZACHARY MORRIS?! I held my cheek where he kissed me and a tear rolled down.
I walked home with gloom and sorrow filling the atmosphere. Zack just...left me, not even a proper goodbye. I'll never see him again.
At about 5 o'clock, I got a call from Kelly.
"Hey, Kel, what's up?"
"Meet me at The Max at 5:30. Bye." And with that, she hung up.
I hurriedly got ready and I checked the clock as I threw on my keds. "5:25." I ran out the door yelling, "Bye, mom. See you later!"
I walked to The Max but when I looked in the window it was completely empty and dark. I opened the door and nearly had a heart attack when everyone yelled, "SURPRISE!" All my friends stood with party hats on and walked up to me.
"Who's idea was this?!" I exclaimed.
"We thought we'd throw you a goodbye party. It was mostly Zack's idea though. He has been working on this party for about 2 weeks." Screech said sadly, with his weird cry.
I pulled all of them into a tight group hug, "Thank you guys so much!"
They went back to the table and I stood there, speechless. I couldn't believe they went through this much trouble to please me! How mice! Just then, Zack walked up to me. "Hey," he said sadly. His eyes were gloomy.
"Hi..." I replied just as sad.
"So, I know you're leaving tomorrow, and I, uh, I want you to have this." He pulled out a silver neckless from his pocket and placed it on my neck, making sure I didn't look. "It's a M. Whether you want it to stand for Madison...or Morris." He chuckled. "Hey, how about Madison Morris?!"
I laughed and pulled him into a tight hug, "I'll miss you Zack," I whispered in his ear. "I love you."
"I love you, too." He replied.
A slow song came on and he got on one knee, "May I have this dance?"
"You may." I said taking his warm hand.
We headed down to the dance floor, where he placed his hands on my lower hips and I wrapped mine around his neck. "You know I'll miss you." Zack whispered.
"I know."
"You know I'll prolly never see you again."
"I know."
"You know I'll always love you, forever and ever, until the end of time."
I pulled away and stared at him. "Really?"
He gripped my waist and confidently replied, "Really."
We leaned in until our lips made contact, moving in perfect sink. I hopped up and he held me, without breaking the kiss. I rubbed my hands in his hair and I realized I did love this boy.
He placed me on my feet and said, "I love you."
"I love you too, Zack."
"GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!" Screech yelped as he ran into The Max, waving his arms around like a kid who had to much sugar.
Zack rolled his diamond eyes and asked, "Yes, ya Ding-Dong?"

Annnnnddddd, scene. I honestly loved this. Hope you guys did too. Comment, yo, I wanna writeeeeee. Type? Whatever. What am I supposed to say in these A/Ns? I guess I'm done. Peace out, homie G's.
-Madi 💙 🚬🐾💯😂🤘

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