i. twitter

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soph | thatcollinsgurl;
if anyone ever takes me out for ice cream, just know that i will ONLY get vanilla ice cream. no exceptions.


user | user1: why is she so relatable


user | user2: ugh vanilla isn't even stannable


user | user3: 'stannable' user2


user | user2: don't judge smh


harry | harryholland99: wow that is so basic


soph | thatcollinsgurl: you're so basic


user | user4: oUCH


user | user5: did she just roast the roast king?


haz | hazosterfield: ngl m8 she roasted you harder than you roasted me


haz | hazosterfield: yes i finally admitted it


harry | harryholland99: wOW YOU HIT ME IN THE SOFT SPOT thatcollinsgurl


harry | harryholland99: hazosterfield see? admitting the truth isn't that hard
after all!!!


soph | thatcollinsgurl: hA guess there's a new top-roaster in town harryholland99 hazosterfield


haz | hazosterfield: move over harryholland99, thatcollinsgurl can roast harder than you


harry | harryholland99: smh

yo so i got the idea for chapter 1 while eating a solero!!!! hence the ice cream roast this book is gonna be trash just warning ya. also, i decided to update this a bit earlier bc i just couldn't wait

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