Chapter 20

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I am sooo sorry everyone for the long time I took to do this but we can all blame college and the amount of hw I get and now its spring break soo i guess have more time now YAYYYY!!. But here it is something nice and cute because I think we shoould have a drama free chapter :) 

Demi's Pov:

Today is the day of the party and I really don't know how to feel about it. It is cool that they invited us but I still feel some type of way because of the way tiara was looking at niall. I got dressed in a tight white dress, some sparkling shoes and some nice jewelry. While I was curling my hair i felt two arms around my waist.

"You look nice" Niall said giving me a kiss on my neck.

"You don't look bad either" I said smiling.

"I know I never look bad" He said with a smile.

"Conceited much?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Not really just confident" He said smiling,I swear this guy is going to kill me. I turned around so I could face him, he looked at me and kissed me.

“I love you” He said.

“Well I love you more” I said.

“Not possible” He said smiling.

“Dont lie to yourself” I said causing him to laugh.

“Well its true” He said kissing me again. Just when the kiss was getting intense we heard a knock on the door.

“Are you guys ready?” Liam asked.

“Yeah we are going now” I said getting away from Niall and getting my phone.

“Lets go babe” I said making him walk to the door.

We got to the party and the house was full of people and alcohol, well this is going to be a wild night.

“LETS GO DANCE!!!” El screamed.

We decided to go dance and enjoy the party, after some time the girls decided to go to the bar to have some drinks.

“Want a drink?” Danielle asked me.

“No I’m good” I said smiling, I wasn't planning on drinking tonight. Some time passed and I couldn't find Niall.

“Have you guys seen Niall?” I asked the girls who were still drinking and I think El was already drunk.

“Yeah I see him, hes right there talking to Tiara” Danielle said. I turned to see Niall and Tiara talking, she was a little bit too close to him and he was smiling at her. I didn't like this, they looked way too comfortable. Then something happened, they started dancing and by dancing I mean dancing really close. I hate this.

“You know what let me get a shot” I told the guy that was serving drinks.

“Yess!!!” El legit screamed.

“Oh no Demi are you sure?” Danielle asked concerned.

“Yeah I am sure” I said taking my shot. “Let me get another one” I told the guy.

I think it was nine shots later or something like that but I was already feeling really good. The alcohol was taking control of me. Niall and Tiara were still dancing and I couldn't stand it anymore I had to do something. I walked well not really walked because I was really drunk but somehow I got to them. I pushed Tiara to the side making Niall look at me weird.

“Demi are you okay?” Niall asked.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked him.

“What are you talking about?” He asked confused.

“You know what im talking about” I said almost falling.

“You are drunk” Niall said.

“No I am not” I said.

“Yes you are” Niall said again.

“Can you stop screaming my head hurts” I said.

“We need to go” Niall said holding me. “Tiara Im sorry but I have to go put Demi to bed” He said to Tiara.

“Its okay thank you for coming” She said smiling at him and I just gave her a dirty look because I hate how she tries to act so innocent in front if Niall.

We somehow manage to get home and to our room, Niall layed me on the bad and started to take my shoes off.

“You like her?” I asked him.

“What are you talking about?” He said.

“Tiara, you like her” I said sitting on the bed while he was still taking my shoes off.

“Demi no what are saying love” He said.

“I mean Niall shes pretty, blonde with nice eyes and body and I dont know Im just me” I said looking at him.

“Why would you ever think that?” He asked me still trying to take my high heels off.

“I dont know Niall I trust you a lot but shes beautiful and I don't know” I said.

“Listen Demi I would never look at another girl that is not you, I love you, you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me and I don't care about anyone, I don't want you to ever think like that again babe” He said looking up at me.

“Come here” I said to him and he did. “How did I ever get so lucky to have a guy like you?” I asked him.

“I dont know but I think I'm the lucky one” He said and after that he kissed me. The kiss was getting heated and I wasn't complaining. I tried to lay us on the bed but Niall stopped.

“What?” I asked him.

“Listen Demi I know what you want to do and trust me I want to do it too but right now you are drunk” He said.

“And?” I asked.

“I want you to enjoy it” He said.

“Niall they say you enjoy a lot when you are drunk” I said smiling.

“But I don't want you to be drunk, I want you to be sober and enjoy it” He said.

“Okay” I said giving him a quick kiss and laying down.

“We can watch a movie and just lay here and cuddle” He said.

“Yeah thats good” I said.

“I love you” He said laying next to me.

“I love you too” I said little by little falling to sleep with the love of my life next to me.

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