Keep Holding On (Chapter 10)

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Here is chapter 10 you guys... hope you like it ( a little of outside drama lol)

Thank you so much for reading my story!!!

The song is Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne :)

Demi’s Pov:

I was in my Science class when the teacher told me to go down to the principal’s office because she need to talk to me about something important. I wasn’t worried because I dont do anything bad so I am like a good girl actually the principal loves me and thats weird because she hates everyone. When I got there she told me to sit down.

“Demi good to see you. how are you?”She asked.

“I am good thank you for asking”.

“Demi i called you down because there is someone that wants to see you” She said.

“Who?” I asked confused, right at that moment my dad walked in. He looks different and sad, he doesn’t look like my dad.

“Dad I missed you!” I said hugging him.

“I miss you too princess” My dad said “Demi I need you to pack some things we have to go back home for a little”.

“Why something happened?” I asked confused.

“Well your uncle is really sick and we don't think he has much to live but the thing is that he asked to see you before he dies” My dad said.

“No I am not going” I said now getting mad.

“Demi he is your uncle!” My dad said.

“NO” I screamed and I left the office and ran to my room. I layed on my bed crying. Why does he wants to see me now after everything that happened? why now that I am totally fine and happy with my life? Why can he just die and leave me alone? Why are my parents even agreeing with this after everything?  

Niall’s Pov:

I was walking out of class when El came running to me. “Niall we need you to go see Demi in her room”.

“Why what happened?”.

“She is there and she doesn't want to open the door to anyone not even her dad” El said.

“Her dad is here?” I asked, that is weird that her dad is here they never come to visit.

“Yeah but I don't know what he said to her to get her like that” She said.

“Okay lets go see her” I said and with that we left to demi’s room.

Demi’s Pov:

Everyone I know was knocking on my room and asked me to open the door but I didnt want to see anyone.

“Demi open the door!” This voice was different, I like this voice it gave me peace and then I realized who it was.

“Niall?” I said.

“Yeah love open the door lets talk” He said, I got up and open the door for him.

I hugged him, I needed him, I wanted him to understand what I was feeling. “Babe I need you right now” I said.

“I know baby thats why I am here” He said “Now you want to tell me what happened?”.

I don't know how to tell him, I never talked to him about this, I never talked to anyone only my family member.


I was around 15 years old sitting in my room alone well I wasnt alone I was staying with my uncle because my family was on vacation and I couldn't go.

“Demi” My uncle screamed. I wasn't really close with my uncle because on the past he had problems with alcohol and my parents wanted me to no be so close to him. When I went down I saw alcohol bottles around the room and my uncle sitting on the couch.

“Demi come here” He was drunk I could smell it.

“What happened?” I asked confused.

“I need you to be good with your uncle okay?” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused. My uncle started touching me in weird places and then I realized what he wanted to do. I resisted, I screamed, I cried but nothing nobody helped me. I was only 15 and I had to through that. I told my parents after that and they were sad and mad, I had to go through therapy to be who I am today. That was two years ago and now I had to bring that memory back.

Now I am here standing in front of my boyfriend and I have to tell him what happened to me two years ago. Even remembering makes me sick, I been so happy the past year that I forgot about it. “I am sorry Niall” I said breaking the silence.

“Why are you sorry love?” Niall asked.

“I never talked about this with any of you guys” I said sitting on my bed Niall following me and sitting right next to me.

“It is okay if you are ready to tell me I will listen” He said facing me.

“My dad came to tell me that I need to go back home for a little because my uncle is dying” I said with tears on my eyes.

“Omg Dems I am so sorry” He said.

“That is not the point Niall the thing is that I don't want to go” I said.

“Why he is your uncle?” He said confused.

“Niall I came here two years ago because something really bad happened to me and I needed to get away from home”.

“What happened?” He asked confused.

“Umhh I was 15 and I was home alone with my uncle and he…” I stopped because I couldn't do it, at this point I was crying.

“He what Demi?” He said.

“He raped me Niall” I said putting my head down.

There was an awkward silence, I tried not to look at him but with the corner of my eyes I could see that he looked shocked and confused.

“Hey look at me” He said holding my head and making me look at him “Right now I am mad at him for doing that to such a beautiful girl like you but it doesn't change anything Demi, I love you and you should know that you are not alone, im with you now and I will be forever, I’m here babe for you” he said.

“Niall maybe I am not supposed to be with you because of this, I was 15 Niall” I said getting up.

“Demi I know we get many obstacles but I just want you to keep holding on because we will make it through all of this” He said facing me. “I dont want you to ever think that you are not enough for me, you are worth a lot Demi” He said kissing me “You understand?” He asked and I nodded yes.

“Now you have a lot of thinking to do, I understand that you are mad at your uncle and you have the right to be but also think about forgiving maybe if you go that would close that chapter of your life” Niall said and with that he gave me a kiss and left the room.

Now I am all alone and with a lot of thinking to do. Should I go or no?


So what do you think Demi is going to do, should she go and forgive her uncle or she sould stay and never see him again? Tell me what you think !!!

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