Im Sorry

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Gray skies.

Silver knives.

Painful cries.

Lifeless eyes.

All these lies.

And for what?

To protect yourself?

To hide your pain?

Your insecurities?

You ended your life so you don't have to go through the pain?

How selfish of you.

Don't you know that everyone goes through pain?

That everyone hurts.

Hurts so much that it seems unbearable.

But you didn't wait long enough.

Wait for it to get better.

You weren't patient.

Little did you know it would all soon get better.

Very soon.

And once it got better,

It would all seem worth it.

All the pain.

All the tears shed.

All the rumors spread.

But you can't see that now because you're dead.

You say no one would care.

No one would be hurt.

But you were too wrapped up in yourself to open your fucking eyes and see that

I cared.

I care.

But now I'm here

And you're there.

I can't even look at you.

I wouldn't dare.

They cleaned you up as best they could

But your cuts and scars are too deep.

There's too many.

Way too many.

And now I'm lost.

I guess you couldn't see what I felt for you.

You were so fucking blind.

You couldn't see that I loved you.

I made sure you never walked alone to class or home.

I gave you food when your parents couldn't afford it because they blew all their money on drugs.

I bought you clothes so you didn't have to come to school with holes in your clothes.

I gave you my all.

I was there when you needed me and even when you didn't.

But I guess this time I was too late.

I couldn't save you.

I'm sorry.

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