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My biggest problem is comparing.

Comparing someone to another.

Comparing me to someone else.

Comparing two kisses from different people to see which was better.

It's like I focus on what's not important rather than what is important.

When I compare people, it's usually on who looks better, not who's personality is better.

When I compare myself to someone else, I usually think the other person is waayyyyyyy better than me. Looks. Personality. Figure. Voice. Everything. I have a habit of self depreciating myself.

When I compares two different kisses, that's all I focus on. The kiss rather than who would actually be better for me.

I don't know.

Sometimes I try to change myself because people say I'm "overdramatic" or "loud" or "look like crap today" and I'm just tired of it.

I don't wanna be overdramatic. But sometimes I just overly express my opinions on things without thinking about it or how other people feel about it.

I don't wanna be loud. But sometimes I like to do what others don't really have the courage to do because they or someone else doesn't approve. Sometimes it's like I don't care what people think, but other times it's like it all hits me at once and I just wanna crawl in a hole and die.

I don't wanna be known for looking like crap. But sometimes I just don't feel like doing my hair or putting on skinny jeans and a tight shirt. Sometimes I just wanna be comfortable and lazy. And everyone has those days. So why do they pick on me about it? I don't understand.

Oh yea that's right. Maybe because they are the ones comparing. They compare me to them and look down on me. They want to feel better about themselves by making me the one below them.

Well I don't think that's right. How would they like it if I criticized them on EVERY FUCKING THING THEY DO?!

They wouldn't like it that much now would they?

I understand they have their own stories that we don't know about but other than taking it out on other people, why not just talk to someone you can trust about whatever it is in life that's got you fucked up?

You see, everyone has shit going on in their life. You don't have to add to it.

It may not be as bad as your shit in your life but it's its own kind of bad all together.

Other than bringing people down to feel better about yourself, how about you bring them up and release some of the stress in both of your lives. You'll feel even better than when you tore them down.

When you tear people down, you can be the reason they will no longer be around.

We all have our own stories.

We don't have to explain to you to make us worthy of your niceness.

Don't just assume they have perfect lives.

Assume that they have shit going on and be nice.

And for the love of the fucking god I don't believe in, DO NOT FUCKING COMPARE PEOPLE.

I have that problem myself and it is the biggest pain in my ass ever. I wouldn't have went through so much goddamn heartbreak if I didn't compare.


Sorry for my little rant but this needed to be said. Don't you agree? If so, comment HELL YEA in the comments. If not, comment THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU CRAZY HOE 😂😂😂 sorry I'm dying rn. Alright well thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! Catch you guys in the next update hopefully ☁️👌🏿👽👌🏿☁️

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