Chapter 24

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Luke Pov

A loud sound went off downstairs, effectively causing me to wake up. I opened my eyes to a dark room, which told me it was still the middle of the night. I looked around for a clock to tell me how late-or early-it was.

"Four a.m...? Seriously?" Sang groaned, and I felt the bed shift as she leaned up in bed.

"What's going on?" Gabriel asked groggily from the other side of Sang.

"It sounds like someone's trying to kick the door down. I'll go handle it," she grumbled, leaning over me and began to rummage in her bedside drawer until she pulled out a knife.

"Why don't you stay here? We could handle it," I said, looking her over. Though it's been two weeks since it happened, she was still wrapped in bandages due to her lack of ability to stay still and not being careful, causing any wounds to tear open and not heal yet.

"And let whoever's here hurt you both? Yeah, right!" She snorted, climbing over the top of me until she was sitting on my lap where she paused in thought. "If I have a say in it, you'll never have the scars I do. One was more than enough," she whispered, and I felt rather than saw her brush her fingers lightly over the one going across my nose to my right cheek.

"We all have our battle scars, I guess," I whispered in the dark.

"You won't have to worry about them anymore. I'll fight those battles for you."

Before I could answer, she climbed over the other side of me and got off the bed. I didn't hear her footsteps but I knew she made it to the door when the room was flooded with the dim hall light. I blocked the light with my hand until she closed the door, leaving it cracked open.

"Gabriel! Are you still awake?" I asked, shaking him by his arm.

"What? What! I'm up!" He yelled, pushing my hand away and he rubbed his eyes.

"Should we follow her?" I asked.

"She'd be pissed if it's an actual dangerous situation, you know."

"But aren't you just the tiniest bit curious about what's going on? Or who was stupid enough to come here?"

Gabriel was quiet for a moment before he sighed, sitting up beside me. "Fine, let's go. But don't say I didn't tell you so!"

"Come on, then, before we miss something!" I said, grabbing his arm and practically yanking him off the bed behind me.

"You're going to break my arm in the process," he muttered as he tried to keep up with me.

"Look!" I whispered, pointing towards Sang as she sneaked her way down the stairs. I peered over the railing with Gabriel as we watched Sang stealthily moved her body into position to grab onto the girl in the doorway.

The girl was wearing sunglasses that looked huge on her face and clothes that were not appropriate for the mid-March weather. Her violet dress looked like it was painted on her body, it was so tight and it went down to her mid-thigh in length. Her hair on the top of her head was a rich black color while the rest of it was a wavy, deep sea-green that came down to her mid-back and seemed freshly colored as it had yet to fade. She was about a head taller than Sang and her wedged heels certainly didn't help Sang when sized against her.

As soon as Sang got close, she yanked the girl toward her, placing the knife against her throat.

"State your name and your business here, or I'll make you bleed," she said menacingly.

"Glad you haven't lost your touch, Calypso," the girl said with a dark laugh. "But don't forget," she said, elbowing Sang in the stomach and making her loosen her grasp. Taking advantage of the moment, the girl twisted Sang around until she was holding Sang's knife to her neck instead, "I taught you everything you know."

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