Chapter 26

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Sang's Pov

"Boys, hmm?" Jezebeth said, as she peered around the corner, checking around the doorway to see if the hall was clear before she came inside the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing, Sang? This isn't like you," she said seriously, sitting down on one of the stools in front of the island counter.

"What do you mean? I'm not acting any different." I leaned on the countertop in front of me, facing Jezebeth.

She raised her eyebrow skeptically. "Yes, you are. You're being all nice and sweet... That's not you. You're an assassin, and an amazing manipulator. So I'll ask you again, what the hell are you doing?"

"What would you say if I told you that I wasn't as against this certain Academy team as I used to be?"

"I'd say you've gone batshit crazy since I've last seen you. You told me to stay away from them and leave them for you to deal with, and then you end up on the counter half-naked with one of them? Is this some sort of angle to get back at the Academy that I can't figure out?" She asked, leaning her head on her hands as she stared me down.

"Well... It started that way. Really! I stumbled upon Luke and Nathan one night and one thing led to another and I might have fallen for some of them..."

I couldn't explain the whole story due to the fact that she didn't know about my past life with the boys. All she knew about me was what I told her about this life and my anonymous tip all those years ago that threatening the Blackbourne team would bring her no closer to her goal to destroy the Academy.

"Oh, Calypso... You know that wasn't smart to do," she sighed. "They could never understand someone like us."

"But they seem like they're going to try, Jezebeth! The only ones I've had a hard time convincing were Owen and North, and you saw where the conversation with North went."

"What are you going to do when playtime is over?" She asked seriously.

"We're going to take down the Academy like you want, but once we're done, I'm walking away with my boys. You're my best friend, but I don't want to stick around with the Academy any longer than I have to."

"Fair enough," she said with a nod.

"By the way, I still don't understand how you could have gotten yourself in a situation where you could have hurt Luke? What happened to staying low and inconspicuous?" I asked.

"You told me to leave them alone, but they were just so annoying... They were always popping up and getting into people's business that they had no right to get into. It was one of those days when they were still in Ashley Waters and I was trying to be especially sneaky to figure out what the Academy wanted them to do, and Luke caught me staked out in an abandoned house across from Dakota Lee's house. He was alone, which was definitely against Academy protocol, if you remember correctly. Imagine little, sixteen-year-old Luke trying to stick up to a twenty-one-year-old me. He didn't have a chance, but that isn't saying that he didn't try. He tackled me to the ground and tried to pull my mask off and expose me and I had to act fast. I punched him in the nose, but when he barely budged, I had to use drastic measures. I kicked him off of me and tried to break a window to get out fast, but he grabbed me before I could escape and I grabbed a piece of the glass, slashing him in the process."

I thought about it for a moment, remembering a time just like that but in a different situation. Volto was trying to get me sick to get me alone and "protect" me from the boys and Luke was able to tackle her to the ground. It was funny to think that back then, I was so against Volto and what she stood for. However, once I knew her reasoning and her cause, I was attracted to her mentality. She was the enemy then, but now that I knew more about the world and had the years to form my own opinions, she became one of my closest friends.

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