8. "Ouch"

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Again, sorry for the wait, here is chapter eight as promised. please leave a vote if you want me to continue it gives me motivation and makes me want to keep writing, i love you all thank you :)

||| Narrator POV |||

As Betty and Veronica broke apart, Betty realized something was wrong. She put her hand over the tube in her stomach and gasped in pain "Betty what's wrong" Veronica said shooting up, "It's not your fault V, but I need to you to get my doctor" Betty gasped again. Jughead burst through the doors right as Veronica ran back out them, "Betts, what's going on?" he said panicked, Betty grabbed his hand as he sat down next to her. "It's nothing don't worry, Veronica already went to go grab..." Betty froze "Betts, what is it talk to me" Jug said gripping her hand tighter. "Ouch" was all Betty could say, it felt like there were a million knives stabbing the place where the feeding tube was stuck in her "Deep breaths, Betts its all going to be okay just breath, please" Jughead kissed her forehead trying to calm her down but she could see the anxiety behind his eyes, she started to hyperventilate and everything went chaotic. Veronica and Dr. Mendes came rushing into the room as the doctor pushed Jughead aside and hit the button to lower Betty's bed. Nurses came rushing in and everything went by in a blur as the physician's injected her with what seemed to act as numbing meds, and pulled the tube slowly and painfully from Betty's chest, all she could do the entire time was cry and call for her boyfriend.

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