26. "Our Hopeful Future"

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A/n: hi my lovelies! Sorry i haven't been super active, with riverdale On it's hiatus I haven't had much motivation but now it's back and crazier than ever! (Cough cough chic wtf cough) so I wanted to say I'm sorry if the story is going in sort of a weird place I just had to find a way to get Betty's parents out of town and Polly out of the picture to get my story where I want it to be. But now that it's there I can get back to the juicy drama and fluff filled bughead, hope you enjoy what's to come!!

Ps. The above tweet is from my Twitter about last nights episode bahaha i thought I was funny

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||| Jughead POV |||

It's about a week after I pulled Betty from the sisters and we've been in sort of a weird place. With her parents gone it's just us staying in her house and Sheriff Keller doesn't seem to have much to say about it. This town pulling apart, thread by thread. It's okay no big deal, I mean two teenagers in love, with no parents (cause they both left them) , no jobs, school work, and a house to themselves. Doesn't sound like a cause for concern at all. These people are idiots. Thankfully enough me and Betts got Mr.Andrews next door helping us out when we need it. Although not much assistance has been necessary. We've been going to school like usual and sleeping in Betty's bedroom at home. It seems really weird to not have to worry about Alice barging in and freaking out on us. Betty confirmed everything to me. She is in fact pregnant and to be quite honest, I'm terrified, and so is she. We are all alone, It's just us, And this house, And the lives we are building. Betty hates the fact she ended up like this, she feels like she let everyone down.  I'm horrified ill end up like my dad, I can't do that to her baby. Our baby. Our 7 week old little miracle baby.

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||| Flashback |||

Betty laid in her bed upstairs as her boyfriend came to join her. "Jug" she whispered, "I have to tell you something. She turned to face him, boring deep into his eyes. "I'm pregnant" she rushed turning her head away in shame. Jughead brought a hand to her chin and leveled her head with his own. "I know" he whispered back. "Y-you know? How do you know" "I figured it out" he said with a sad smile. "I know you must be scared Betty, I know you didn't want this at our age, but I want you to know I'm not going anywhere. This is our baby, our miracle who survived against all odds, all the pain and suffering you both went through, and came out the other end. I want you to know that we will be okay, and even though we are scared, we can stay here and build a family and live the life we always wanted for ourselves" he stared at the girl he loved teary eyed as she began to cry. "I love you Betty Cooper, and we will get through this, if it's the last thing I do"  Betty wrapped her arms around her boyfriends neck and whispered in his ear "I love you so much"

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||| Betty POV |||

I can tell Jugs been really stressed about all this, he's trying his best to hide it but I can see right through him, he's scared. I am too. We have to do this though, yes this baby came a little earlier than expected and against incredible odds, but this is what we've always wanted. So I am taking our chance and running with it. I love this man, and this baby will only magnify my love for our little family. Our hopeful future.

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