Chapter 4- I don't need babying

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Max walked me to my front door and looked briefly into the window, seeing if anyone was in.

I could see Harry's car in the drive way but not mums, no surprise there.

"Harry's in, mums not." I finalised out loud. Max looked at the cars and nodded. His blue eyes flicked to my forehead but I noticed his reflex "Max it's okay he's fine now. He's on medication and he won't do it again," I stated. Max still didn't look sure. "Would you like to come in then and check!" I said a bit too forcefully.

"Sorry." I whispered automatically.

Max has known me long enough to know this happens a lot: things slip out of my mouth the way they're not suppose to.

So he just smiled and pushed my arm playfully.

I clicked the key into the lock and pushed open the door.

There were a pair of vans tucked in the corner of the hall way, Harry's. I threw my air max on too of his shoes and Max followed my action.

He followed me through the dining room and living room and into the kitchen. "H?" I called. I heard a noise from the study. I gestured Max towards the door of the study and he followed me again.

"Hey, how was your day?" Harry said, spinning around in the desk chair like a kid.

He's so immature!

"It was okay, me and Max got held back in French with Madame Hudgins though." I sighed. Harry knew the name from when he went to school. He help his hand up and hi-fived me and Max.

"Hey Max, how's the football going?" My brother asked.

Harry has ways loved max as he has always been there when dad or even himself couldn't be.

"Yeah really well, we're into regionals in two weeks time, training like mad!" Max replied smiling his cheesy grin.

I love my best friend.

"Good lad, keep it up and you'll go through to nationals." Max nodded confidently and I smiled at them both. I could see Harry had been doing some sort of paper work. I craned my head to the side to see what they were but he moved slightly sideways, purposely blocking my view. A small huff escaped my mouth but no one heard it.

"Is mum coming home late?" I asked, already knowing the answer to my question. She was going to leave us alone for another night. I can't even remember the last time we all sat down and just had a normal discussion.

My stomach clenched and I pushed the thought away.

"Yeah, I actually have to go somewhere later so you'll be here on your own for a while." Harry smiled weakly. I sighed louder this time and my shoulders dropped a fraction, enough for Max to see.

"I could stay?" He suggested "I have homework to do but I could just do it here." Max was always there and never failed once, it was amazingly ridiculous.

"Max that would be great!" I said, thinking about how empty a big house like this can seem when your home alone, not a nice feeling.

I grabbed my bag from the stair and lead Max upstairs, not that he didn't know where to go; he's been here enough times and most of them nobody even noticed we had company. Shows how much notice is taken of me.

"Done!" Max sighed, stretching his arms out in front of him. My eyes opened wide at him; he worked so fast.

My history homework was only half done and I still had about ten questions.

I pressed my palms to my forehead hard, smoothing out the small and barely noticeable creases in them. I jumped when my hand ran across my bruise. Make up was smeared across the white wadding on my hands, turning it cream. Max peered at my forehead and his expression changed.

"Jesus Cecily how hard did he hit you!" He yelled.

I must have removed most of the concealer, which helped hide the bruise, now it must be standing out like hell.


I shushed him even though no one was even home.

No one is home, no one cares. A lump formed in my throat. Where is Harry?

Max took my face into his hands roughly and tilted my head up. The skin beside his eyes crinkled as he squinted in concentration. "He couldn't of hit you that hard without knowing it..." Max began but I cut him off. I didn't want to listen to his rubbish.

"It was an accident," I spat out each word, the lump in my throat disappeared and I just felt angry now "he would never do that to me you know that. It's not even his fault!"

I was definely angry that Max didn't understand Harry, I didn't expect him to but I would at least expect him to listen and trust to me.

"Cecily he hit you too hard, he meant to hit you, maybe not so hard but he aimed his fist in your direction. Why don't you steer clear from him if he does this?" Max shouted.

I was about to answer, about to yell back but someone's voice came from the doorway. He just heard all of that.


"Yeah because I love hitting my little sister." Harry snarled sarcastically with a voice like poison "You think I'm fricking proud or something?" Harry charged down the corridor and slammed closed his door.

He got enough hate for it when he was at school and from my parents be didn't need some kid telling his sister to stay away from him.

Something smashed in Harry's and I tensed up. I ran down the landing and banged on the door, yelling for him to come out. I heard something click from the inside; he locked himself in, or more like locked me out.

I turned to Max and murmured to the floor "I think you should leave." Max stood there in awe of what was going on.

The banging and crashing had stopped so I was a little more relieved, he must have taken his med.

"I'm not leaving you here on your own..."

"Yeah you are", I cut him off; I didn't have time for arguments

"All I do is care for you!" Max yelled throwing his hands in the air.

"Well stop, I don't need babying!"

I took a deep breath, in and out.

"Ill see you out." I said quietly. I walked past him but he shoved his hand against my shoulder, jolting me backwards.

I tilted my head back to look up into his blue eyes, they gleamed with anger.

It hurt to be familiar with angry faces and actions.

"I know where the door is." Max spat coldly through his clenched teeth.

He sped down the stairs, slammed the door closed and I didn't follow.

All he did was care and I just stood where I was, why wasn't I moving?

I'm stupid, that's why. I don't know how to handle anything so I push people away.

Something else smashed in Harry's room, tensing up my shoulders.


I don't really have much to say but I hoped you like it! Feel free to comment any feedback, it'll only make me work harder :)

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