Chapter 5- Inconsiderate

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My body turned towards Harry's door. I could see two shadows at the bottom of the door where someone was standing on the other side; he has been listening.

Tapping on the door and asking him to let me in didn't work so I gave up eventually.

Pressing my back to the door, I slid down the wooded frame until the floor was beneath me.

I mustn't have sat there did too long as when I stood up I didn't feel achey or stiff.

There was a car outside the house, the lights were shining up the stairs. Knowing it was probably mum, I trudged downstairs not caring how loud I was and how much body weight I was compressing onto my feet.

As if on cue Mum came through the door with a brief case in one hand and a hand bag in the other. She quickly looked up at me and turned up the corner of her mouth before moving into the study.

The papers Harry had been sorting through we're gone from the desk like they had never been there.

Maybe they hadn't, I've been too tired to focus properly on things lately. I didn't even realise Harry was getting worse.

"You wore my shoes." I said, with not much emotion in my voice. Mum turned around looking surprised for a second, momentarily pausing what she was doing until it clicked.

"Oh yes, I needed shoes to wear to work as I was rushing around a lot and I can't do that in heels."

I couldn't believe she didn't think of me, didn't think what I would have to do if my school shoes weren't there or what the consequences were for me.


"I need them for tomorrow as well." She added. I shook my head immediately and put my hands out, palms up. "I need them for school otherwise..." She raised her hand up for silence.

We were going to do the whole money routine again.

"What do I need them for?"

"Work." I replied plainly.

"What do I do at work?"

"Earn money." I said shortly

"What do you need them for?" She raised her eyebrows


"What do you do at school?" She questioned, I was beginning to get bored.


"Which one puts dinner on the table and a roof over our heads?" What a stupid, rhetorical question.

Algebra isn't exactly going to pay the bills is it!

"Yours." I growled quietly.

"So who needs the shoes more?" Mum crossed her arms, finishing the point she was making.

"You." I mumbled reluctantly. She said no more and just walked off into the study, closing the door.

I closed my eyes, sucked in a deep breath, balled my hands into fist and walked slowly upstairs.

Harry door was still closed and locked. There was silence coming from his room, had something happened? I crouched by the door and leant my forehead to the door.

"Harry," I croaked with a hoarse voice. After clearing my throat I continued "Are you okay?" There was a couple seconds of silence followed by a small tap on the door.

Harry was okay but he still wouldn't let me in. I knew I'd be alone because mum wouldn't come out of that office; she put a sofa bed in there a few months back.

Dad wasn't home for another few weeks, I just kicked out my best friend who was willing to stay here as long as I needed and Harry wouldn't let me in. Great

So I just sat outside of the door craving company.


I know it's short but I'm double update today! I looked at the reads because I haven't check in a few days and they'd crept up, thank you!

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