Chapter 11- Guarded

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It was really hot and the living room smelt strongly of spirits. Everyone was dancing, pressed up against each other so I squished through the crowd, awkwardly bumping into people as I got pushed around.

The football team were laying in the sun chatting up girls and tossing around a ball.

Max was sitting next to an extremely cocky looking guy who was shirtless.

What the hell it's like half nine at night?

I ran up to him and he stood up "Hey Cecily."

"Max I'm going to go home. You can stay with your" I looked round at the arrogant team of boys "friends."

"Nah I'll come back with you. See ya guys, I'm going home with Cecily. Catch up with you Monday!" He waved to his mates. The shirtless dude saw me and sat straight up.

Urgh I've had enough of jerks tonight. Seriously, cant they go creep out someone else?

Max pressed his hand into my shoulder blades and pushed me into the crowd of either drunk or extremely hyper teenagers.

The bus ride home was quiet and I felt oddly tired. I rested my feet on Max's lap and just as I closed my eyes my phone buzzed in my lap.

Harry, IMessage

I opened it up

Something came up, I need to run out of the house for a while, will you be okay on your own?

I tapped my screen quickly and sent a reply.

Yeah that's fine, you go. Ill crash at Max's house

"Max do you mind if I stay at your tonight?" I asked timidly.

"Sure thing, do you want to run in your house and get some clothes?" He asked. I contemplated it. I didn't want to run into Mum and that means we would have to get the bus twice. Yet I needed clean clothes. Who cares about the bus and Mum.

I nod in response to his question just as the bus comes to a stop.

I grabbed some clothes and shoved them in a bag. When clambering down the stairs I bumped into Harry. Literally.

I laughed and held my head which had banged into his shoulder bone, he laughed along. "You okay?" I nodded.

"I thought you said you were going to Max's house. Did you fall out again?"

Max poked bus head around from the door and held his hand up "Nah we're good."

He walked over and I saw how Harry tensed, only slightly, but I noticed it. "Look man, I'm sorry for what I said I just... Cecily... She is... I mean..."

"I know I know, s'all right Max I'm just glad you care." Harry grinned and I relaxed again.

Everything was slowly turning back to normal.

"Ill give you guys a lift, I'm passing the house anyway." Harry said with a faint grin on his face but his face seemed... Guarded.

Max and I were grateful when he dropped us off saving us another ride on the bus.

I love Max's house; it's not to big yet not small. It's a perfect family sized home. Defiantly suited for himself, his mum, dad and younger sister Tara.

Directly down the hall there was the kitchen, the living room to your left and the stairs were on the right hand side as you entered the house. Max led us into the living room, which was actually attached to the kitchen in leaving the room in an 'R' shape.

His sister Tara was sitting on the sofa watching Friends with a packet of Doritos. "Cecily!" She squealed and jumped off the sofa.

She looked exactly like her brother; same eyes, face shape and nose. The only difference was she had dark chocolate hair.

I hugged her back "Hey Tara!" I smiled. She was like my little sister as well as Max's. Tara has just started Year 8 in our school and we are both looking out for her still, not that she needs it. "I'm glad you two made up quickly!"

How did she... I pulled my eyebrows together.

"Max was fuming when he got back and moped around the next day. It was obvious, it just seemed worse this time." My face dropped a little and Max went tense beside me. Tara saw this and tried to lighten the mood "All though it could have been Max being a big baby, like the time when I forced him on Saw at Thorpe Park and he..." She confessed.

"Alright Tarz, we get it you can be quiet now!" Max huffed. I hid a giggle behind my hand; I knew how much he hated theme park rides.

Mrs Moore walked into the room just after Tara stuck her tongue out at her brother. "Hello Mrs Moore!" I chirped. She had an apron on and her hands were messy.

Barbara was like a second mother to me, a perfect model parent; enjoyed cooking, cleaning, always smiley and had time for her family.

"Oh Cecily it's been a while since I've heard your name echoed around this house." She embraced me into a hug. I chuckled "I think it was only two days."

"Well what a long two days they where! You two have fun, I need to carrying on in the kitchen, call if you need anything!" She scurried back into the kitchen and continued crashing about.

We climbed up the stairs to Max's room and we both collapsed, him on the bed an me on the sofa chair.

"I'm so glad I didn't wear heals." I kicked off my Martens and closed my eyes.

"Or a dress for that matter." Max scoffed. I looked down at myself; I was sprawled across the chair in a very un-lady like fashion. A laugh escaped my lips as I imagined my mum scowling at the sight of me.

After cleaning my teeth with a spare travel toothbrush they had in the cupboard, taking off my make up with one of Tara's wiped and slipping into one of Max's T-shirts for bed I made my way back to my best friends room. I could never thank this family enough for all they have done for me.

I saw Max had laid down a pillow and two duvets on the floor next to his bed.

It was comfy and warm since I was sandwiched in between the sheets. Just as my eyes closed Max whispered "Night Cecily."

A reply never escaped my lips, fatigue took over my body and quickly fell into a needed sleep.

Max was yelling my name when I woke up. My back became bolt straight, sweat tricking down my spine. "What!" I gasped "what happened?"

What could have happened that made Max do that? Everything was blurry for a moment.

Tara, Mr Moore and Mrs Moore appeared in the door way with the same expression as Max.

"I've got this, it's okay guys she fine." Max shooed them off. I was glad; I probably looked awful and didn't want to worry them. "I'm fine honestly." I smiled weakly.

Once they left I got to my feet and frowned "What the hell happened?" I asked Max. He seemed to struggle for words.

"I don't know, one minuet I was asleep. When I woke up I turned around to see if you were awake and you had your eyes wide open... Then you screamed, Cecily, a lot. It frightened the life out of me I didn't know what was happening or what to do... " Max trailed off putting and hand through his hair and letting it limply fall back into his lap "Cecily I think you have night terrors. Maybe we should go to a doctor..."

"No. No doctors. I... Ill be fine. I just need to go home and talk to my mum and Harry about this." I quickly gathered up my stuff, said a rushed goodbye, thank you and sorry to Max and his family and ran out of the door.

I have to tell Harry and Mum, but I had a feeling they already know...

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