Chapter 7- After you

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(If your on your phone/tablet: the photo above is Cecily.

If your on your computer, the picture will be on the sidebar)

Both Miss's and Ash's heads flicked up to look at me, I froze in my tracks.

"Ah Miss Church, yes sit here please." Miss pointed to a seat.

Of course she would have made me sit next to Ash.

A small sigh escaped my lips and I swear Ash noticed because his lips twitched up into a small smirk.

He also looked kind of hot while doing it? No, I must be imagining things, I must I'm ill. I need to lay down.

There was a prominent purple bruise on his jaw. How did he get that? I decided not to ask as it was none of my business.

The chair I sat in was cold which raised goose bumps on my arms. I rested my wrists on the table and pulled up the sleeves of my hoodie so they covered my hands.

Then I rested my head on one hand and kept my eyes focused out of the window which was right next to my seat and thought about nothing.

I tried to keep my mind blank but it's hard when someone sitting next to you is burning holes through your head.

While I was daydreaming, out of the corner of my eye I saw Ash's head move towards the window slightly and squint his eyes.

What is he doing?

"Um, what are you doing?" My voice came out softer than I wanted it to and it sounded almost nervous.

Ash looked me in the eyes and I swear he leaned forward slightly.

Hopefully he can't hear my heart beating through my chest.

"I just wanted to know what was so interesting out the window, I mean you've been staring at whatever it is for the last fifteen minutes! But this detention is as boring as hell so I don't blame you Cecily!" Ash shrugged. Goose bumps raised on my arms again, but it had nothing to do with cold.

"So, how are you then?" He asked obviously bored out of his mind otherwise he wouldn't be talking to me.

I sighed at the fact I will have to lie.


"I'm alright thank you." I said tightly.

The truth is I really wasn't, but who am I to tell practically a stranger what is wrong with me. Ash looked me in the eyes.

His eyes are perfect. A greeny-blue with a navy rim. I got lost in them and didn't even notice he spoke.

"Sorry, what?" My cheeks turned red a little from my apparent of lack of interest.

"I said, no your not." He said simply. What, was I that see-through when I said that? I obviously was otherwise he wouldn't have stated that.

"Yes, I am." I frowned and looked back out the window.

Ash say back in his chair casually and replied "I can read people very well and I am a hundred percent sure that you are not okay."

I was beginning to get slightly annoyed at him, why can't he just believe me and move on to the next question or not talk at all.

"Who are you to tell me what I am and what I'm not?"

"I'm not telling you anything. I'm stating something." He smirked. How could he be smiling? He is so aggravating.

"I..." I shook my head and just dodged the original question "How are you Ash?"

He looked down and his fingers caught on his bracelet. Is this a nervous habit? I'm sure it isn't, it doesn't add up to the huge ego.

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