Chapter 10- Just find me

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We passed multiple doors until he stopped at one at the end of the really long hall.

He shouldered the door open and pulled me in with him. I had no idea where he was going with this.

Ash paced up and down across his room while I stood awkwardly by the door.

His room was fairly plain; a bed, Chester draws, wardrobe, door to I'm a guessing a bathroom, a desk, a tv and a book case. Along with multiple pairs of converse, vans and boots laid under his bed.

When he looked up his hair was all messed up and he had a frantic look in his eye "I could kill him, what's his problem, messing up the party like that!" He bawled.

I took a steady step forward and frowned "That happens all he time at parties..." He cut me off by chuckling bitterly. "Like you would know." he spat. He yelled again.

Ouch. So what? I haven't been to any parties, who cares. I might not have as many friends as he does but... There is no end to this sentence.

He grabbed some sort of glass object and chucked it. I jumped as it smashed at my feet.

Ash fell onto his bed, murmuring things looking annoyed and upset. Even though he's a jerk my heart clenched for him, it's something I do quite a lot and its not a good feeling. You just don't expect it.

"Ash? This isn't about him just ruining the party is it? I know something happened before, you can tell me." I said before I could control what came out of my mouth. Of course he didn't want to tell me, I'm so stupid. That sounded so stupid. He has his billion other friends to talk to.

"I don't want to tell you, don't be stupid. I'm fine on my own." He said, confirming my earlier words.

Oh please. That is never true. I couldn't help but wonder why this usual bright, happy boy is acting so depressed and annoyed.

Ash stood up and grabbed a fistful of his hair, his eyes were blood shot and his cheeks were wet which surprised me so much it made me gasp.

He wiped his cheeks roughly and sucked in a breath. "Ash...? Are you okay?" I asked taking a small step towards him holding my arm out. He moved backwards to reject my sympathy. I retreated with a hurt expression on my face.

Ash noticed and grabbed the back of his neck and swung around so his back was facing me. Obviously not..

My mind flashed back to when Harry was kicking the sofa that night.

He picked up something else and threw the object, it crashed to the wall right beside my head. I couldn't help a squeal escape my lips as my legs moved me aside.

I might have seen Ash's eyes soften for a split second after my reaction but it disappeared as quickly as it came. I must have seen wrong. "Look I have no idea what's wrong but I'm only trying to help you..."

"I don't need your help!" He shouted.

"Then why did you bring me up here then!" I began to raise my voice as well.

"I don't know!" He looked at the floor and lowered his voice "Maybe because I wouldn't have done anything stupid if your here too and..." He trailed off.

If he wasn't going to finish his sentence he shouldn't have started it in the first place.

In fact why did he even bring me up here? To yell at me to feel himself feel better probably.

"Finish your sentence, what were you going to say?" I asked.

"I don't want you down there with my brothers mates alright!" He looked mentally exhausted.

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