Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Who does Kim like?

            A week pass after that day, and Manna remember the promise. Then, the next day Kim comes to visit her. Manna ask her about the promise and that she was the one who saw the people to enter. Before Kim said anything someone knocks the door. Manna goes open the door and surprise, Jett and Keith are in the door fighting. Manna glares at them and ask them what they wanted. Keith and Jett speak at the same time and says “Who is more handsome me or him?” Manna glares back and close the door in their faces.

Then, Manna goes back to where Kim is. When Manna arrives and ask her the question again, Kim change subject and starts talking of how she has been in her public school, but Manna return to the promise theme, but Kim continues changing subject. In the end Manna says “let’s stop this, I know you were going to break the promise from the start so it doesn’t matters anymore.” Kim get impressed that Manna talk so formal to her and she says “well, I would ask that guy out if he were less popular, but still he got a girlfriend” and she start sweating. Manna says “if he really got a girlfriend than you would just tell me his name and you wouldn’t be sweating.” Kim got shock and panic saying “I’m not sweating…” Manna interrupts tickling her and tells her “I won’t stop until you tell me who you like!” But Kim says laughing “HAHAHA… I… won’t… tell… you… HAHAHA!” Manna stops and says “then, I’m going to spy you… humph… well, let’s go walk to the park.” Kim says “no, you won’t go to my school to spy on me.” Manna stands up smiling and says “WAHAHA… I can do everything just wait and you will see!”

The next day was Monday. Manna take Kim to her school and she discover it was the same school as Aria’s school, and Manna says “WAHAHA… now I know where you attend to school, be ready to be catch… Bye!” and she ran to her school.

In class they ask her who was more handsome but this time wasn’t just those two this time Sid was included. Manna was already tired of them, so she ignore them for the rest of the day. When Manna reach home, Manna rush to Aria and ask her “can you tell me who does Kim like?” Aria tell her “I’m sorry but I don’t know.” Manna respond “then can you spy her for me?” Aria respond “no! Do it yourself.” Manna respond “but I can’t enter to your school I might be suspend of mine if I do and why can’t you help me?” Aria says back “no!” and walk away. Then Manna runs to Ethan house.

When Manna reach Ethan house she just enters and runs to Ethan room and Ethan was in there. Ethan was surprise that Manna came looking for him. Manna sits down and bow upon him and ask him “can you tell me who does Kim like or can you help me spy her?!” Ethan impressed, but at the same time felt used said “fine I’m going to ask her friends to see who she like and try to spy on her.” Manna get excited and kissed him in the cheeks and then ran back home. Ethan thinks “what’s wrong with her and just now she was acting like when I first met her” with a smiling face, then he said “but well, after this she might become normal again and she was so cute… Tsk.”

The next day at Aria’s school Ethan was asking every friend Kim got but all of them said that they didn’t know, then Ethan start spying, but then he found Aria and she was spying too. The day end but they didn’t notice anyone. When they went home Kim started talking to a guy that she act strangely around him. Ethan return and saw her. The guy got blue hair, purple eyes, and he was tall too, but Ethan didn’t recognize him.

After Ethan go home he told Manna about the guy’s description, Manna told him to found out more about him or she would assault him. Ethan thought “she returned to normal” and he sighed. Then, Aria enters to the room.

“I found out who Kim like! He is called Jason a blue haired guy” said Aria. Manna glares at Ethan and says “you’re useless.” Manna jump in excitement grab Aria hand and said “now I can make her suffer… BWAHAHA.” Those two were shock for her childish reaction and Manna ran to Kim’s house.

Manna enter to Kim house from Kim’s window and Kim was there. Manna sits on the chair and start a conversation with Kim:

- So, I heard who you like! It’s Jason right?

- What!! She said avoiding the fact.  

- OMG! Admit it, we all know you like him that’s why you act strangely when you’re with him.

- ‘Kay, I admit I like him, but how did you notice?

'- BWAHAHA… I told you I can achieve whatever I want.

 The bell rings. Someone one yells “your brother has return from Germany!” Kim rushes down and hugs her brother and tears up saying “I missed you so much and Manna is here too.” Kim calls Manna and Manna goes to where she is and Kim mom hit Manna in the head and ask her how she entered. Manna says “HEHEHE… From the window…” with a face showing she is in problems, but before Kim’s mom hit her again Kim’s brother pad Manna in the head and he says “remember me? You’ve grown so much since I saw you.” Manna says joking “who was you again?” And Kim yells at her “you wouldn’t forget my brother he hanged out with us for so long when we were little.” Manna says back “we can’t joke with this family can we?” And his brother tells her “nope you can’t and if you still remember me tell me my name and how I am in every way.” Manna responds back saying “you’re called Jonathan, one year older than us, and you used to have your hair with dark blue, and your eyes were also darker. Jonathan says “HEHEHE… I guess you got a great memory” smiling. And they all hug each other.

That day Manna stayed at Kim’s house to sleep. In the night Manna told Kim “you should ask him out, remember our promise?” Kim told Manna “fine I will but if I admit then you admit to the person you like too.” Manna respond “I don’t have anyone I like the last person already vanish from my heart.” Kim respond her “yeah now that I think about it that’s the reason we met each other.” And both of them went to sleep.

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