I dare you to move - Switchfoot

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So, maybe attempting to sneak into a concert was not the best idea. Maybe, after being found by security, yelling "SCATTER!" to all my friends was not the greatest moment of my existence. And sure, while I was being dragged away, I probably shouldn't have kicked the man in the balls. I take the last one back, that was pure genius. But all of these events did lead to one good thing, and that thing happened to be wandering the halls as well.

"Oh, shit. Sorry, love," muttered a boy that I had run into. He steadied me and I looked up, laughing my head off. The boy had brown hair that was swept to the side brilliantly and blue-green eyes that pierced my own. "Are you all right?"

"I'm good. Sorry, didn't mean to run into you," I said. He grinned at me.

"Are you American?" he asked. I nodded and looked behind me quickly. "Is there something you're running from, love?"

"Yeah. Big security guard, bald, resembles a bear..." I trailed off. He laughed and we heard footsteps. He quickly pulled me into a closet and shut the door quietly. The closet was small and we were pressed up against each other very uncomfortably for two people who had just met. I put my head down and he cleared his throat.

"Excuse the tight squeeze," he muttered. I shrugged.

"It's fine," I whispered. To be honest, being stuck in a small closet with a hot boy was not a downside to my day. "What are you doing sneaking around this concert?" I asked.

"I've got connections. How about you?"

I laughed shortly at his response. "All my friends came out here for our two week spring break. I'm from Ohio. I heard that this was supposed to be a good concert, but we didn't have tickets. So we tried to sneak in and got caught and now I'm trapped in this closet with you. My name's Quinn Lord, by the way. Nice to meet you," I said. He laughed.

"Louis Tomlinson, pleasure," he said.

I laughed and accidentally backed up into a shelf. "Ouch," I muttered rubbing my back.

"Are you hurt?" he asked walking into me and stepping on my toes. I bent down to cradle my toes and slammed my head onto the wall. Then I fell over.

"Man down," I muttered. He laughed and tried to help me up. "Sorry, you proper Brits probably aren't used to girls falling on their asses like me," I said rubbing my head. 

"Actually, just yesterday I tripped over the couch and got a huge knot on the back of my head," he said I laughed; this guy sounded like a femal version of myself. "Here, feel it," he said grabbing my hand and rubbing it on the back of his head. I felt a huge bump and pulled my arm away.

"Ouch," I said. "You think there's a light in here?" I asked. We both started molesting the walls searching for a light switch. I heard a loud thump.

"DAMN!" Louis shouted. The door opened and light spilled into the closet. The security guard grabbed us both by the shirts and pulled us out. Louis gave me an apologetic look as we were thrown out.

"And STAY out!" the man yelled, slamming the door. I looked at Louis, who shot me a sheepish look.


He scoffed. "Says the girl who managed to hurt her back, her forehead, and her toes in under a minute."

"Actually, you hurt my toes," I said. 

"Sorry about that, love. How about I make it up to?" he asked. I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm listening," I said.

"I can give you tickets and backstage passes to a much better concert on Friday night," he said with a wink. I looked at him dully.

"What concert?"

He just shrugged. "It's a surprise. And I can get some for all of your friends as well. How many are there?" he asked.

"There's me, Katie, Bella, Alex, and Jo," I said. "So that's four including me."

"Alex and Jo...they boys?" he asked. I laughed.

"No. They're definitely girls. Ironically, the most girly of us all..." I muttered. He laughed. "I think I'll take you up on that offer, Tomlinson. Are you gonna be there, or are you leavin' me hanging?" I asked raising one eyebrow. He shot me a confused look.

"You can raised one eyebrow?" he asked.

"It's a gift," I said sarcastically flipping my hair. 

"Yeah well - Hey look! A fountain!" he shouted running to it like a little kid. I followed him, running and laughing. He looked around checking that nobody else was there, slipped his phone out of his pocket and set it on the ground, and then jumped in. 

"Louis! What are you doing?" I hissed. He turned to me, soaking wet and grinning. "Isn't that, like, illegal or something? Or is that just America?" I asked, clearly confused. He laughed.

"This coming from a girl I just got kicked out of a concert with," he said. I glared at him and put my phone next to his and joined him.

"AH! IT'S COLD!" I screamed. He laughed and trudged through the water after me. He picked me up, wrapping his arms around my middle from behind, and threw me into the deeper water. I surfaced again and looked at his glowing face.

"You're going to kill me," I said. He shrugged. I stood up and ran after him. He tried to run away, but being the ex-track-star I was, I caught him easily. I jumped on his back and knocked him down by the shoulders. We were both coughing out water and laughing so hard that we couldn't breathe. He was sitting on top of me and I was trying to get him off.

"My God, you don't look this fat," I said. He looked slightly hurt.

"Excuse me?"

"That's right, fattie. Now get off before I throw up!" I shouted. He put his face in mine.

"Now I wouldn't want that to happen. What if some little kid came by and saw your vomit floating in the fountain. How scarring."

I glared at him. "This is your last warning, before I go for the balls," I threatened. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and he shook his head.

"You wouldn't."

"I think we both know very well that I would," I threatened. He rolled off of me immediately.

"Hey! What are you two kids doing in there?" someone shouted. We both looked at each other.

"Run!" Louis shouted dragging me out by the arm. We both grabbed our phones and ran for it, leaving the middle-aged-man behind, laughing all the way. When we finally stopped running and collapsed onto a park bench, it started to rain.

"As if I wasn't already wet enough," I muttered. He picked up my hair, which was normally blonde and curly but being wet was now brown and limp, and slapped it onto my own face. "I take it you dig the wet look?"

"What, do you enjoy my hair, Quinn?" he asked. He shook his head like a dog, splashing my face. I held up my hand in front of my face to sheild myself from the wet, which didn't make much sense considering that it was raining. "So, shall we venture indoors, or do you enjoy sitting in the rain?"

"Oh well, as much as I'd love to get soaked to the bone, I think I'd rather be inside," I said. 

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