what i have to say on gender, sexuality, etc.

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I will not claim to be thoroughly educated on gender identity, gender expression, or anything even remotely in that realm of discussion. I will, however, say that I am sick and tired of seeing people acting as if one gender or sexuality is better than the other.

Straight is not better.

Bisexual is not better.

Homosexual is not better.

Transsexual is not better.

Asexual is not better.

Pansexual is not better.

Any other sexuality is not fucking better.

Nothing is better. Honestly, can they all just be fucking equal?

And the thing is, I'm a strong supporter of gay rights and equality for all sexes and all people of any sexual orientation/gender identity, but there's a line that most people seem to keep crossing. Gay is okay, but fucking so is het. I myself am bisexual and would be so happy if I had the security of knowing that I can marry a man or a woman in the future, basically just marry whoever I love, but that doesn't mean that my sexual orientation is superior, more important, or 'trendy.' (Side-note: This pisses me the fuck off because bisexuality is not a 'fad' or a 'trend', it's just me fucking knowing that I can be attracted to and fall in love with a man or a woman, no matter what their gender is. It does not make my sexuality fake or 'because it's cool' or a phase or any of the bullshit I see people say about bisexuals. I am not fucking sorry if I make you uncomfortable with my sexuality (this is directed at both strictly-het people and strictly-gay people) because it is not my fault you think bisexual people are less important or inferior or wrong or whatever the fuck you think. I am not a slut because I can love a person of either/any gender. I am not a whore because I've been with boys and girls before. I am not a freak that's going to jump anyone with a pulse, regardless of gender, just because I'm bi. Jesus. I'll probably end up ranting about this another time.)

I will never try to say that the struggle non-het people collectively face on a regular basis in society is the same as what het people are subjected to because it absolutely is not, but I've seen so much shit from people everywhere about how het people gross them out and they don't give a shit about het people or don't like them or laugh at them as if they're a joke. Stop perpetuating the act of hating on another person's sexuality or gender.

If I want to write a story about two boys in love, then I fucking will.

If I want to write a story about two girls in love, then I fucking will.

If I want to write a story about a girl and a boy in love, then I fucking will.

If I want to write a story about any person with any other person with any gender, sexuality, or identity, then I fucking will.

It shouldn't matter.

If I talk to you and you seem to like me and then you find out I'm gay or something, will you automatically like me less?

Sadly, the answer is yes for a lot of people.

Something else that's sad is if the same thing happens but instead of finding out I'm gay, you find out I'm straight.

There's nothing wrong with either one of those, nor with any other sexuality.

Stop acting like homosexuality is gross. Stop acting like heterosexuality is gross. Stop acting like any fucking sexuality, orientation, or gender is inferior or not as great as yours. It's the same fucking thing as acting like being white or black or Asian or anything is superior. The same as acting like having blue eyes or green eyes or brown eyes is superior. The same as acting like girls are better than boys or boys are better than girls.

The whole point of any of these fucking movements we've witnessed or been involved in is fucking equality.




I don't want non-het people to be seen as superior to straight people, or vice versa, I want them all to be seen as equals.

I don't want girls to be seen as superior to boys, or vice versa, I want them all to be seen as equals, fucking equals.

Why is that so fucking hard for some people to understand?

(I honestly don't even know if most of this makes sense, like I'm honestly so angry after scrolling through some 'social justice' tags on a few tumblr blogs and I don't know how coherent I am right now. I'm so done. P.S. If you are more educated on gender identity, gender expression, cissexism, etc., then please tell me all you know because I'm hopelessly confused and I think knowing more might help me understand more. Thank you. Sorry if this rant offended anyone.)

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