sexuality and why it shouldn't matter / gay rights

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In a perfect world, I wouldn't be writing this particular rant because I wouldn't feel the need to.

Then again, in a perfect world, I wouldn't have scars up and down my arms, but I do, so there.

There are a lot of laws I agree with. (I live in the United States of America, by the way.) For example:

The legal drinking age being 21.

Pedophilia in general being illegal.

Rape being illegal.

Murder being illegal.

However, there's something I don't agree with by any means, and the thing is there's not even a legitimate federal law going against it, it's more of a social thing that gets all fucked up and blurry when brought into politics because while it's not illegal, it's not legal either. The thing I'm talking about is gay rights. More specifically, same-sex marriage.

I won't claim to be an expert on the political side of this. I know it's a really fucking complicated mess in politics right now and the government is trying not to destroy the country by choosing sides because if the federal government steps in and makes a decision that sways in one direction and not the other, a lot of people are going to get pissed off either way.

It's a very tricky subject.

I'm all for gay rights. I'm bisexual myself. I have a gay cousin, gay friends, et cetera. I think same-sex marriage should be legally allowed and acknowledged, but I also know it's just not that easy and simple.

We can protest and argue and fight all we want for gay rights, but the truth is that a big portion of this country would feel angry and wronged if that happened. A lot of people are against it, mainly for religious reasons, and honestly, I will never judge someone for believing something is wrong. I will, however, disagree when anyone tries to shove that belief onto someone else and subject them to their own personal views or opinions.

There's nothing wrong with being gay, bisexual, straight, transgender, etc. There's nothing wrong with supporting gay rights or being against them.

There is, however, something wrong with stripping a person of a natural right that is given to everyone else, especially if it's not just a person, but a huge group of people.

If heterosexuals are allowed to legally marry each other, then why are homosexuals or bisexuals not allowed that exact same right? Every person should be given that freedom.

Maybe same-sex marriage or relationships offend some people or gross them out or something, but it's not hurting anyone. It's not like someone's sexuality literally punched you in the fucking face and raped your children. If someone prefers blue over green, you can think they're wrong and that green is better, but you can't force them to change. They like blue; get over it. Likewise, if someone prefers males over females or vice versa, you can think they're wrong, but again, you can't force them to change. They're gay; get over it.

Just like you shouldn't legally deny someone the right to have a favourite colour and express it (because it doesn't make sense), you shouldn't deny someone the right to have a certain sexuality and express it (because it doesn't make sense).

If I like dicks, then I like dicks.

If I like vaginas, then I like vaginas.

I can like whoever I want and be attracted to whoever I want and you can think it's as wrong as you want, but it won't change that I am bisexual and always will be.

If I'm not shoving my beliefs down everyone else's throats and trying to tell people that they're wrong if they believe in God, then you shouldn't shove your beliefs down everyone else's throats either by telling people that they're wrong for having a certain sexual orientation. And even if you do go around spouting off about religion and sins and homosexuality, then fine, whatever, I'll just ignore you and believe what I want to believe. But when I find out that it's not legal for me to have my own sexuality and fall in love with a girl and marry her, then that's where I have a fucking problem.

Lecture me all you want about how being gay is sin and I'm going to Hell along with all other homosexuals, I don't care, you're entitled to have that belief, but don't you dare fucking think you're entitled to take away a fundamental right that is given to everyone else because that's what's fucking wrong.

I don't really believe in God myself, but I'm pretty sure He teaches His children to love each other the same and He's the only one that can pass that kind of judgment on people, not you, not anyone else, so fucking practice what you preach.

This country was supposed to be built on liberty and freedom and all that good stuff, yet this is the third major problem with freedom that we've had in history so far.

We had a movement (and a fucking war) over racial equality.

We had a movement over gender equality.

And now we're having a movement over equality based on sexual orientation.

This is the same shit as slavery and segregation.

African Americans weren't allowed to sit in the same places as white people on trains and buses.

Women weren't allowed to vote.

Homosexuals aren't allowed to legally marry.

History is repeating itself, again and again.

Everyone is free to have their own opinions and I will never criticise someone for their views, even if they go against mine, but when other innocent people are forcibly subjected to those views and opinions, when people's freedoms and rights get ignored or denied, then we know we have a problem and it needs to be dealt with.

If I'm not criticising you for being straight, why are you criticising me for being bisexual?

It's not something to be ashamed of. It's attraction, it's love, it's natural. In some cases, it's a choice; in other cases, it's not. But no matter what, it's nothing to fucking be ashamed of, okay?

My sexuality does not fucking define me. There have been people that have discovered I'm bisexual and asked me, "So that means you'll fuck anyone?"

And like – no. It doesn't. Being bisexual doesn't make me a whore. I'm actually a fucking virgin, thankyouverymuch. For me, being bisexual means I look past gender and love the person for what's on the inside. It means I'm attracted to both sexes, just like a heterosexual is attracted to the opposite gender and a homosexual is attracted to the same gender.

Being gay or bisexual doesn't mean we're going to sexually assault everyone. We're not perverts or whores or anything of the like. We're the same people we were when you didn't know we were gay or bi. We still have the same fucking standards and morals. It doesn't make us any less human than everyone else.

I could easily criticise a straight person for having kinky sex with bondage, but I wouldn't because it's none of my business and they can like whatever they like. In the same way, someone else shouldn't criticise me for being attracted to and dating someone that has the same gender as me. It doesn't change who I am; I'm still the same person. Same personality, same interests, and I should have the same rights. Yet I don't. And it makes no sense and it's not fucking fair and yeah, in a perfect world, everyone would love everyone else and no one would ever judge or hate and we would all accept and love each other exactly as we are, but this isn't fucking utopia and humanity is really fucked up sometimes and people get judged and criticised and bullied for this shit every fucking day.

And I know.

I know it's a really tricky subject, and it's not easy or simple to just change the law when there's such heated debate over it, and everyone has their own opinions and views and thoughts and that's perfectly okay, but I still just really fucking wish everyone would grow the fuck up, get over themselves, and realise that sooner or later, this fight is going to be won, just like the civil rights movement and women's suffrage. History repeats. It's inevitable, unavoidable, and inescapable. We'll win this fight, I personally have faith in that, mainly because it's our freedom and rights on the line, and whenever those are compromised, the law changes to fix that.

The only question is when.

P.S. I'm sorry if this offended you in some way, but I am not sorry for having these views, and I never will be. In case you haven't noticed, equality is a huge fucking deal to me and it always will be.

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