rants about elounor and larry

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this isn't actually about whether or not i think larry or elounor are real; this is just about the rants that focus on that topic.

elounor rants that shoot down larry make me sad and dejected because most of the people who write them are getting angry at larry shippers for thinking louis and harry are gay as if it's a horrible thing. they don't even accept the possibility that they may be wrong.

larry rants that shoot down elounor make me upset and frustrated because most of the people who write them are insulting eleanor and forcing larry onto people and acting like harry and louis being anything but 10000% gay is appalling and impossible. again, they don't even accept the possibility that they may be wrong.

obviously, not everyone does this, but honestly? none of us fucking know anything, and we don't have the right to. it's none of our business at all. just ship in peace and calm the hell down. it's their lives, not ours. we're not entitled to a single thing. they don't owe us shit. give them their privacy and accept the fact that everything is honestly speculation. you can believe as hard and as firmly as you want (and believe whatever the fuck you want, really), but none of us actually know, no matter how much evidence either side has. i'm so sick of constantly seeing this shit on every site i visit because it's a fucking pointless war with no victor.

this was short, but whatever, i really needed to rant about this because it's just so tiring and it makes me not want to ship or share my thoughts about anything because no matter what i say, i might get burned at the fucking stake by one side or the other. i'm just sick of all of the fighting.

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