jealous directioners

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I see too many directioners jealously insulting girls they don't even know just because they saw a picture of them with their favourite boy or heard rumours about them dating. Fuck off. The boys are more than entitled to have their own personal lives, and keep whatever details of their lives as strictly private as they please. They are not obligated in any way to tell us a single fucking thing about their private lives. Be grateful that they do so much for us already because they give us more than we honestly fucking deserve. They don't owe us anything. They give us music and we give them support – that's how this fucking relationship is supposed to work.

Besides, how happy do you think you're making them if you're going off and insulting the people they care about?

I don't give a fuck if you're a Larry shipper and hate Eleanor; don't fucking insult her.

I don't care if you loved Payzer and think Sophia isn't right for Liam – don't fucking insult her.

I don't care if you're a Niall girl and are upset that he's rumoured to be dating a model – don't fucking insult her.

You don't know any of these girls. They have done absolutely nothing to you. And if anything actually were to go wrong in their relationships, then frankly, it's none of your fucking business. Everyone fucks up, no one is perfect, not even the boys we love so much are perfect. People are meant to go through relationships, meet people, fuck things up, start over again, try and try and try until they find the one they want to spend the rest of their life with. It's not our place to stick our noses where they don't belong and try to intervene because they're just trying to be normal young men and find their way through life, and this includes trying to navigate romance. It's hard enough having reporters and media breathing down their fucking necks all the time, ready to dish out harsh criticism at any moment; having a massive fucking fanbase that are supposed to love and support you, yet they make you and your loved ones feel like shit, treat you like stupid children, and belittle and criticise every fucking decision you make? That's fucking absurd.

We're supposed to be here for the boys.

None of us are going to be with them.

It hurts to think about, but we're not going to date them, or marry them, or fuck them. We admire and support and love them, but that's as far as it goes. Leave the rest up to them because it's their fucking lives. They can do whatever they want. They don't need their supposed 'fans' making their lives feel like fucking nightmares where they have no control over their own choices.

Just get over yourself and be happy for them.

And if you can't be happy for them, then kindly keep your mouth shut, because insulting the people they care about isn't doing anyone any favours – it only makes it worse.

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