They get jealous

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

It was over a hundred degrees outside, and all you wanted to do was stay in the air conditioner with some ice cream watching anime. But when you opened the freezer there was none to be found. So Kaito got the idea to go to the ice cream shop.

"Kaito! Please wait! I'm going to pass out!" You yelled to the boy, who was running around in his scarf and jacket. How can he possibly run around in the heat in that???

"But time is money!" He yelled back.

"I think you're using that wrong..." You said, finally catching up to him outside the shop.

"No I'm not! The faster we get there the quicker I can spend my money!" He opened the door for you. The cool air hit you like a truck.

"I'll take a sundae supreme and a (Favorite flavor) cone." Kaito told the man at the counter. He reached into his pocket to grab his wallet, only for it to be empty.

"I think I left my wallet at home... Stay here Y/N I'll be right back." He said, running back home. You were comfortably enjoying the air conditioned shop when the man at the counter started talking to you.

"Cute girls get their orders free." He handed you a (Favorite flavor) cone and a slip of paper.

"Wow, thank you!" You said. You examined the note and it had what appeared to be a phone number on it. Probably just the store's number, right? Just then, Kaito returned with his wallet.

"I'm back! Er, where'd you get the ice cream?" He asked you.

"Oh, he gave it to me for free." You said. Kaito shot a glare towards the worker.

"And the phone number?" He asked again. Why did he seem so angry..?

"He gave me that too." You said, afraid he was mad at you.

"Actually, Y/N, let's go to the grocery store to get ice cream." Kaito said, dragging you away.

"You don't have to be jealous..." You told the boy, who stopped running.

"I'm not jealous! I just... Never mind... Let's go." He replied, obviously jealous.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

"Y/N, I'm going to go to the bathroom. Stay here." Len said. You both were at the grocery store around the bananas. As you were waiting for your boyfriend to return, a stranger approached you.

"So... How many can you fit?" He asked, leaning on the shelf.

"What do you mean? Like, in a bag?" You said confused. He chuckled.

"Y'know, you should sell fruit, because you sure know how to make a banana stand." He tried to hold back his laughter. You stared in confusion until you seen Len approach the boy.

"What did you just say to my girlfriend?" Len said to the boy, his bangs shadowing his eyes.

"You? Her boyfriend? How'd a munchkin like you get someone as adorable as her?" The boy spat. Before Len could answer, you grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

"Er... Don't you think that's a bit... Revealing?" Gakupo said. It was hot out, and the only summer clothes you had was a small tank top a tight shorts.

"Gakupo, it's fine." You said, reaching for the door handle to go outside. But before you could touch it he grabbed your hand.

"You're not going outside like that. Guys will look at you." He said, slightly angry.

"Why? They aren't even that revealing!" You said. You put your hand on your hip.

"Nobody's allowed to look at you like that but me." Gakupo said. He dragged you to the couch.

"We're watching a movie." He said.

"Fine..." You sighed.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

"Hey, Y/N?" Piko said to you. You were organizing your closet with him.

"What's up?" You said, hanging some clothes up.

"Where'd you get this dress? It's really pretty..." He asked, holding up a dress of yours.

"Oh... My ex boyfriend gave it to me for my birthday..." Piko seemed slightly angry at the thought. He shoved the dress into the deepest depths of the closet, as if to try to hide it from you.

"You don't have to be jealous, I love you now." You said. He lightened up slightly.

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