You get hurt

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

You were making supper with Kaito when you burned your finger on a boiling pot of water.  You hissed and held your index finger and Kaito looked over to you.

"Ah, that must hurt.  C'mere..." He said, turning on the faucet and running cold water over the burn.  The liquid stung as it cooled off the burn.

"I'll get you an ice pack.  Go on and relax." He said, motioning for you to go to the dining room, where he soon joined you with an ice pack.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

"Ready?" Len said, in the position to throw the frisbee that he was holding.

"Yup!" You said, getting ready to catch it.  Len threw the frisbee, but you missed your catch and got hit in the face.

"Ow!" You held your head where the disc hit, and Len ran over to you worriedly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N!" He said, pulling away your hands and revealing a red mark where you were hit.

"It's fine, I'm the one who missed the catch so it's my fault..." You stood up and picked up the frisbee.

"Let's get home and put some ice on it..." Len took you home, where he gave you an ice pack and you watched a movie together.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

You'd always wanted to play with Gakupo's katana, but he'd never let you.  So one afternoon you snuck into his training room and carefully took the blade out of it's glass case, and started doing a few swings.  You weren't very careful though, and the blade cut your leg.

"Ow!!!  Gakupo!!!" You yelled, holding your cut as it bled a little onto your hands.  Luckily it wasn't a very deep cut.

"What are you doing?!" Gakupo said, running up to you and looking at your leg.

"Stay here, I'm getting some bandages." He said and ran off to get some.  He returned a moment later with some gauze and wipes.

"You really should be more careful." He said, cleaning off your leg and wrapping it up in a bandage.  He payed a close eye on you for the rest of the day.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

You were in your yard cutting some roses off the bush while Piko swung on the tire swing hanging on the tree.  As you handled the blossoms, you cut yourself on a thorn.

"Owie..." You said, flinching from the scratch.  Piko got off of the swing and went over to check on you.

"Are you okay?" He said, looking at your finger, which had a little drop of blood running down it.

"Yeah, lemme just go put a band-aid on it." You got up and began to walk inside.

"I'm coming with." Piko said, following close behind you.  He was obviously worried, as you could've easily went inside by yourself.

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