You have a picnic

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

"Where should we sit?" Kaito asked you, carrying an ice cream patterned picnic blanket.

"Hm...  Maybe somewhere in the shade.  It's a little hot in the sun." You replied with a cooler filled with ice cream.  You both walked over to the tree and Kaito unfolded the blanket but struggled to get it to stay down.  Every time the wind would just blow it to the side.

"It won't stay down..." Kaito said.  You were previously occupied with the ice cream and didn't notice.

"We need something to weigh it down...  Maybe a rock or something?" You suggested. 

"Oh, that would work.  I'll go find one." Kaito ran around the park but couldn't find any large rocks.  Only small pebbles.  But he did spot some large enough rocks in the nearby front yard.  He took them back with him and later on returned them.

"Found some!" Kaito ran up to you with four rocks, one for each corner of the blanket.

"I hope they don't notice..." You said, holding the blanket down as Kaito put the rocks on.

"I'm sure they won't." Kaito said.  You both sat down on the blanket and ate ice cream together.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

You and Len got out early from school and decided to take advantage of the nice weather. 

"So, what do you want to do?" You asked Len, walking away from the school.

"Maybe get some food?  I'm hungry." Len suggested.

"How about McDonald's?  It's not too far from here." You asked.  Len agreed and you both walked to the restaurant.  When you arrived you stopped to get your money out.

"Aw man, I only have one dollar and some pennies..." Len said.

"I only brought some quarters too...  75¢." You replied, digging through your bag.

"Lets see if there's any change in the parking lot here." Len suggested.  You agreed since you were hungry and the smell of the food tempted you.  You both spent a good 45 minutes collecting change on the parking lot and area around the McDonald's, until you collected enough money to get something.  Then you both sat outside and ate.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

You and Gakupo went into the forest because he wanted to show you a new trick he had been practicing.  You brought some food with for a picnic too.  You both walked through the woods until you found a clearing.  You assumed it was where Gakupo was practicing, since there was a lot of cut up wood.

"Alright, have a seat." Gakupo said, motioning towards a stump.  You sat down, and Gakupo took a log from his pile and set it on a taller log across from you.

"Watch this." Gakupo took his sword out and you watched as he swiped it so quickly that you couldn't see it.  You ate one of the sandwiches you packed while he worked.  Dust clouded around him and when he finished, the dust cleared and revealed a cute (favorite animal) statue.

"Oh my gosh Gakupo that's amazing!" You said, walking up and admiring the statue.

"I know, right?  It's for you."  Gakupo said. 

"Thank you!  I love it!" You said.  You both hung around and ate your picnic and then you brought the statue home.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

Piko likes birds, and there were a lot of them out today because of the nice weather.  It was around lunch time as well so you packed a picnic of sandwiches for you both.  You walked to the park together and layed your blanket on the grass near a large tree filled with birds.

*Wow!  There's so many of them, Y/n!  Look at that one!" Piko said excitedly. 

"They're beautiful!  Maybe if we feed them they'll come closer." You took a bag of bird seed and tossed it in front of you both, and the birds flew down from their tree to eat the seed.  You both ate your lunch while you watched the birds.

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