Chapter 4

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"Feelings that come back are feelings that never left."

Chapter 4
Andrea's pov

Right now I was depressed. I am surrounded by a bunch of teenagers in prison. Yep, you guessed it. I'm in high school and if that's not bad enough I'm in my worst period. Math.

Don't get me wrong I love math and I get the top of my class (no need to brag) but since our teacher Mrs Roosevelt is on maternity leave we're stuck with Dean Briggs.

"So can anyone tell me the answer to this question?" He asks as he pointed at the chalkboard with a questioning look.

I looked around and no one seemed to bother.

"Anyone?" He asks.

Can't you see no one wants to see a boring old teacher attempt to teach a subject that he has no idea about. Like I bet he doesn't even know the square root of 1.

Immediately, everyone's heads whipped around to face me and everyone was in hysterics.

Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?

Why does this happen to me all the time?

And I mean all the freaking time.

"Miss Parks! Detention! Now! And your parents will also be receiving receiving phone call. I thought you were better than this." He screams pointing at the door.

I guess my true colours are beginning to show.

I got up quietly packing my things into my backpack and I clutched my skateboard in my hand. As I left all I could notice was a sniggering Mia Reddington.

I wandered through the school looking for the detention room until I finally found it.

I haven't been in here for a while.

I twisted the handle and stepped inside. I looked around and there were three people there.

Two hooded boys at the front and a boy sleeping who was drooling into the desk.

Remind me not to sit there.

I walked up to the front and saw that the teacher was sleeping. I walked to an empty chair in the corner and slouched back on my seat.

I played around a little with my skateboard until there seemed to be some smoke surrounding me.

I looked around and saw that the two hooded boys were heading my way. That wasn't the worst part. The worst part as that the hooded boys were indeed Zach Cowen and Ethan Carter and they were smoking.

I coughed as I waved my cap in the air to get the smoke to go away.

"So what did little Andrea do to land in detention?" Zach asks as he plopps down on the seat next to me and Ethan took the the one infront of me.

"No wait, let me guess. You came to class late. Oh ummm.... You never handed in next week's homework?" He jokingly asks or at least I thought he was.

"You dont know shit about me." I mutter loud enough for them to hear.

"And as a matter of fact. I called a teacher out." I say proudly.

"Oooh watch out. Bad girl Andrea's here" He replies mockingly.

Don't react Andy, he doesn't know.

"Yeah whatever, so what did you guys do. Not hand in your homework?" I ask in order to change the subject

"We let Elmer the pet snake out and put him on Mr Bell seeing as he was peacefully sleeping. We didn't want to wake him up so we thought why don't we let Elmer do it?" He says so casually as he fistbumps Ethan.

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