Chapter 29

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"Cheating isn't always kissing, touching, or flirting. If you gotta delete text messages so your partner won't see them, you're already there."

Chapter 29
Andrea's pov

We were flying back today. There's going to be no more Rose, no more banter with Sebastiàn and no more foul language from Abuela, which I'm very fond of now.

But the one good thing is that there's going to be no more Kaitlin. Her constant speeches on how her and Zach are meant to be have been really annoying me and to be honest I don't really like her. Not because she's deeply and utterly in love with Zach but it's kind of difficult always being in the company of someone who looks like a model.

I roll out of bed as usual, pulling myself from my thoughts. Swiftly, I get ready and change into some joggers, a crop top and an adidas jacket.

After getting changed, I pack my clothes and my pyjamas from the previous day into my duffle bag alongside my basic necessities I had brought.

"Andrea, hurry! You still need to eat breakfast." Zach calls from the bottom of the stairs loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm coming. Calm down you hijo de puta" I shout before slinging my bag over my shoulder and jogging to the dining room.

"Did I just hear you say higo de puta?"Abuela asks.

"Yeah. Sebastian said it meant idiot. I'm sorry if I was being rude." I apologise as I didn't realise that Abuela might not appreciate my foul language.

"You puta."Abuela hits Sebastiàn. "¿Por qué le estás enseñando a mi futura nuera un lenguaje grosero?(Why are you teaching my future daughter-in-law foul language?)" She hits him again.

"What? It was just a joke." He replys back.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I ask.

"What you actually said meant 'motherfucker' and Abuela doesn't like foul language except from when she says it." He narrows his eyes at his grandmother.

"Do you want a beating too?" She looks at him.

"No, Abuela. I'm sorry." He scurries away from her and sits down next to me.

This family was strange but I liked it. On one end Rose was playing on her iPad, on the other Abuela was pulling Sebastian's ears and on the other Ximena was reading the newspaper with Abuelo. And what were Zach and I doing? Well I was looking at everyone whilst Zach just ate his cereal whilst scrolling through his Twitter.

"Hey guys, Good morning." Kaitlin walked into the room.

"I thought you were leaving." She sneers at me.

"We were actually. We're just saying goodbye and after breakfast we're of to the airport." I finish my waffles and place the dishes in the sink.

"We?" She asks.

"Yeah. Andrea and I are going back to Phili." Zach speaks this time. "You know I can't stay, Kailtin." He holds both her hands in his.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that I've barely got to spend any time with you while you were here and now you're going?" She looks upset.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a few weeks." He says as he grabs the keys to his car.

"Andrea, I'm going to go put this in the car. I'll be back, you start saying goodbye." Ha picks up the luggage and heads out the door.

"I don't want you to leave." Rose speaks.

"I don't want to either. But don't worry, I'll be back." I got her as she returns the gesture.

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