Chapter 35

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"The best feeling in the world is kissing someone for the first time when you've really wanted to kiss them for a long time."

Chapter 35
Zach's pov

She loves me? She loves me. Holy shit. She loves me.

She loves me and all I've been doing to her is being a douche.

I run to my hotel room to see Jonathon and Ethan watching the game but I instantly switch it off.

"What'd you do that for?" Ethan throws popcorn in my face.

"She loves me." I state still shocked.

"What?" Jonathon says confused.

"Andrea Willow freaking Parks loves me or maybe I'm hallucinating." I look at them both but all that seemed to do was continue eating the popcorn.

"Why aren't you telling me I'm talking shit?" I ask.

"Did she tell you she loves you?" Ethan asks trying to hide something.

"No. I was just walking to our room on the night we want to Disneyland and I over heard her say that she loves me. And I am not douchey." I say.

"You kinda are. You should see how many girls you've slept with and left." Ethan defends Andrea.

"You did too." I try to defend myself.

"That was until I met Mia. And you will probably stop if you just stop being a wuss and tell her already." Ethan says as if he's a thearapist.

"Since when did you get all lovey-dovey?" I ask sarcastically.

"Since I fell in love." He states.

"Who's the wuss now?" I laugh and grab a beer from the mini fridge and sit on the couch.

"And why are you telling us now? Its been three days." Ethan asks.

"Maybe because I was checking every few hours to see if I was sane and alive." I give an excuse. "Look she hasn't even talked to me since then and the only words we've exchanged are "Hi" and "Bye" at breakfast." I tell them.

"Do you guys know what Andy's doing for her birthday?" Jonathon finally talks.

"Nah, she hasn't really said much about it." Ethan shrugs his shoulders.

"That's it." I have a moment of realisation.

"That's what?" Jonathon asks.

"I should throw her a surprise party." I tell them my brilliant plan.

"Well it's not a surprise if you're telling us." He speaks nonesense.

"It's a surprise party for Andrea, not you. You dumbass." I take another sip of my beer.

"But I thought when you have a surprise party, nobody knows about it except from the person who throws it." He says looking confused.

"A surprise party is for the person it's being hosted for. In this case it's Andrea which means only she can't know about it." I slap him across the head.

"My whole life has been a lie." Jonathon looks like he just found out that Santa Claus isn't real.

"You better start planning this 'party' of yours because you do know her birthday is tomorrow." Ethan finally enlightens me.

"Looks like I've got lots to do." I put the beer down and stand up. "And you guys are helping me." I point at the pair of them.

"If I'm going to throw a surprise party, I need you guys to take out Mia and Savannah so I can have her to myself." I explain to them.

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