Chapter 11

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"One day you're going to wake up and notice that you should've tried.
I was worth the fight."

Chapter 11
Andrea's pov

Today was the day. The day that I dreaded every year. The day that I would look back to what had happened on this very day. Today was the worst day of my life.

Today was the day my "father" had left.

That's if you can call him a father.

I was getting ready to go to the skatepark when Zach had texted "Where are you?" for the billionth time, I am not exaggerating.

He had been texting me every minute to find out why hadn't come to school.

Once my mum had told Zach that I would be going school with him today he has constantly been bugging me.

I had just told him that I was sick, but knowing Zach I knew he wouldn't fall for my lies that easily.

I shut my phone to avoid any communication with anyone today, grabbed my guitar and headed to the skatepark.

This would be my tradition. Every year I would go to the skatepark and write a song about the emotion I'm feeling on that day.

Sometimes it would be anger and sometimes it would be sadness. I would also feel happy sometimes that he didn't stick around.

But either way I would write a song but I would never sing it. I would collect them over the years and keep them locked away so no one could see how weak I was.

So far I had written 5, today would be my sixth.

I had reached the skatepark and it was a little empty.

I headed to the back of the skatepark near the tree and sat down, leaning against it.

"I knew you'd come today. How has it been so far?" A voice spoke from behind.

I looked to see who it was and saw that Jonathon was walking towards me.

"It's been ok so far, well better than last year." I say to him.

"I remember last year, you were so angry that you forced everyone out the skatepark, including me." He replies, stating the truth making me chuckle.

"Well I needed peace and quit, I couldn't write a song with max and all his friends making noise." I exclaim.

Max is one of Jonathon's friends who reminds me alot of Zach.

"Anyways I'm going to head out, let me know if you need anything." He says before hugging me and leaving.

I finally sit down comfortably and began taking my things out my bag including my old songbook seeing as Zach now has posession over my current one.

Zach's pov (surprise)

I was wondering where Andrea was all day as she didn't show up to school today.

Her mother had told me that she wouldn't catch a ride with me today but I thought she would probably come to school late.

I was walking down the hall texting Andrea for the thousandth time when I saw Mia talking to some of her friends.

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