Chapter 12

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"Sometimes I wonder if I ever cross your mind, then I laugh at myself for even wondering if I do. Of course I do....I'm the shit."

Chapter 12
Andrea's pov

Lazy. That's what people call me. Even Zach, who's only known me for a few weeks.

So today I am going to prove them all wrong. I am going to show them that Andrea Willow Parks is not lazy which is why I am currently in town looking for a job.

So far I have visited four stores and all of them have said that they're full.

I skated around for a while down the street until I finally find the fifth store. It was the local music shop in town which was called "Vintage Vagrants".

I stopped my skateboard and entered the store. As I entered I took in the amazingness of the store. There were different types of guitars and violins. Each instrument was neatly placed on the shelf.

"Welcome to Vintage Vagrants. How may I assist you today?" A woman, who looked like she was in her late thirties, approaches me.

"I'm looking to find a job. I was wondering if you needed some extra staff." I ask her.

"Well one of our workers, Cole, takes care of that. Follow me I will show you to him." She says as I follow behind her.

"Cole, I was wondering if you could help this young lady who is willing to work here?" She asks.

"Sure." He replies as his back continued to face me.

The woman left the room leaving just the two of us.

"So, do you have any experience in working or in music?" He asks as he turned to face me.

I took in his appearance when I realised that I know this man and I could tell that he had realised it too.

"Andy? It's been what, 2 years?" He spoke first.

"Cole, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in New York, not that I'm not happy to see you?" I ask him as he embraced me with a hug.

"We moved back around two weeks ago, my dad passed." He says as his voice croaked.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Cole. You should've told me." I tell him as I hug him once again.

"Well you've changed alot, haven't you? Last time I saw you you were rocking that leather jacket." He says taking in my appearance.

"Cole." I warn.

"Ok. Ok. Anyways I start school again tomorrow so get used to seeing me around more." He replies trying to change the topic.

If you're all wondering who Cole is, well he's my ex-boyfriend, the first guy I ever loved and the guy I lost my virginity to.

Two years ago, Cole had to move to New York because his dad got a promotion. But seeing as his dad passed I don't think there's any reason for them to stay there.

Since Cole had moved we tried to have a long distance relationship but after a month or two it didn't seem to work.

We decided to end things as we didn't have time for each other and decided to just stay friends.

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