Chapter 15

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"Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot...."

Chapter 15
Andrea's pov

Tonight was bonfire night. The night where people all around the world would celebrate in order to remember to glorious guy folks.

Well that's what I think anyways, I don't pay attention in History.

For years our school has emphasised the importance of bonfire night as it brings all the different cliques together when in reality it's just another excuse for teenagers to drink and get high.

Bonfire night always used to be my favourite as I could always get drunk but since I've changed I've always been quite cautious when I go as it brings out the devil inside of me.

Normally, we would go and wait until midnight and we would engross ourselves in drinking, beer pong and other "activities".

When midnight would strike we would all light the fire together and we would end up either sleeping there or we would reach home at perhaps 2 or 3am.

The school host the bonfire night and then give the following day as a holiday which means that there would be no excuse for not showing up to school the next day.

This year Bonfire night would take place on a Friday making it easier for the school.

"So guys who's going to the bonfire?" Mia exlaims excitedly.

"Who's not going to the bonfire?" I ask sarcastically knowing that everyone would be attending.

Suddenly, I remember the incident that took place yesterday at the skatepark and decide to plant the seed.

"Hey Savannah, can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask her pulling her aside.

"Sure" she replies confused.

"I need you to meet me at the skatepark near the indoor skate rink, where the benches are after school. Ok?" I tell her.

"Sure?" It comes out more as a question rather than a statement.

"Just promise me you'll be there." I emphasise the importance of her presence.

"I'll be there don't worry." She tells me.

"Ok, let's head back to them guys." I tell her.

Before I head back, I saw from the corner from my eyes that Cole and Kylie were both laughing alot together and her hand was placed on his shoulder.

I could see Mia giving Kylie death glares but although I should be quite jealous, I'm not.

I head back to the table and sit back in my seat which was opposite Cole and beside Zach and Mia.

When I took my seat again, Kylie instantly removed her hand and continued to talk to Savannah.

"Oh shit, I forgot. Mr Sanchez wanted to talk to me about the work I need to catch up with for buisness class." He says as he gets up and begins to pack his things.

"Bye babe." he says as he pecks me and leaves before I could bid farewell.

Instantly everyone's heads whipped in my direction except from Zachs of course.

"Wait.....Let's just replay that. When did you and Cole become an item? Again?" She asks.

"Yeah I thought you guys were just friends." This time Kylie spoke.

"He asked me on Friday." I tell them all.

"And you didn't think that you should let your best friend know." Mia shrieks.

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