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smoke (dark grey) - evokes the feeling of the unknown.

We got back up to my apartment room and sat on the floor across from each other. We listened to music and tried to figure out the ridiculous Ikea instructions.
We sang, talked and joked for a long time, getting work done quickly. We both stood up admiring the black shelving unit we had made.
Remington put his hands underneath it.
"No wait! It's heavy-" He lifted it up with ease before I could finish my sentence.
"Show off." I snorted. He smirked, and I held in a fluttering feeling in my chest. We slid it over to the wall and it fit in like it was meant to be there.
"Thank you Remmy." I said.

"Coffee? tea?" I asked him walking around my island and near the fridge.
He shook his head no and followed me closely.
I turned around and he stood dangerously close to me. I looked up at him, his fair skin and wild black hair, his dark eyes somewhere between black and brown, he was perfect.

I stepped back a little out of instinct nervousness.
But I was cornered, my back hit the cool grey wall.
He raised his hand and gently moved my hair behind my right ear. He closed the small space I made between us and leaned toward me.
His lips inches from mine.
I felt my heart stop, I could feel his breath, he looked down on me "Remington-" I spoke, my voice barely made a sound.
"Yes, Diana?" His voice was quiet and gentle.
He carefully ran his fingertips up and down my arm.
I let my chest relax and quietly blurted out my thoughts. "Just kiss me already."
A small smirk fell to his lips, "If you insist, your highness."

His lips were placed on mine and I grabbed the fabric of his t-shirt to pull him closer to me. I felt my heart beat clearly.
"Eager are we?" A smile spread on his lips.
I let out a small laugh and kissed him again.
This time a little harder, his touch was still as gentle, like he didn't want to break me, but he deepened the kiss, pushing my body against the wall.
I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck.
He left small kisses down my jawline and onto my neck, I let out a small moan and he smiled onto my skin.
He reached my shoulder and stopped abruptly.
He pulled down the sleeve of my shirt ever slightly, revealing dark fingerprint bruises.
He immediately backed away from me.

Fear all over his face...
I felt my lungs weigh my body down. Oh no.
"Did I- I?" His voice was weak.
I took a step towards him "No Remmy! No!"
But he stepped back again. "Don't-"" He put his hands up. "Don't come closer." His lip trembled lightly. He didn't want to hurt me.
I felt tears brim my eyes.
I grabbed his hands and laced my fingers with his. He didn't do the same, his hands were limp, he even tried to pull them away gently.
"This wasn't you." I spoke softly. His eyes became glossy.
I sighed and grabbed a paper towel,
I wet it and wiped my face. The concealer coming off on the white material.
His mouth fell slack. "Diana..." his calloused hand gently grabbed mine, but I pulled it away.
He was clearly shaken by the mark on my face, he deserved to know.

I lifted my shirt a little and the dark bruises on my abdomen were visible. Remington's back hit the wall. "God.." he was breathless.
I felt tears threaten to spill. I pulled my shirt back down. "I promise this wasn't you.." I spoke in a whisper my voice cracking. I tried to press a smile, but his expression hardened, making mine drop.

"What happened then?" He asked. I felt my knees weaken. "If it wasn't me, what happened?" His voice was low.
I couldn't look at him. "n-nothing." I stumbled my words and I hit the wall again.
"That's not nothing, Diana!" "What happened?" He asked. He stepped closer to me. I pressed myself flat against the wall.
"What?" He repeated. And when I didn't answer him, his jaw clenched tightly, his eyes darkened a shade. "Who?" His voice was raspy and low. My breath hitched.
I felt a tang of fear shoot through me.
He placed a hand on the wall beside my head,
trapping me beside the counter top.
"It's nothing, Rem. It's m-my fault.. it was an -an accident."
"Those are fingerprints, Diana." He stated, he raised an eyebrow.

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