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ash (dark faded grey) - correlates with the feeling of emotional stamina.

I woke up in a dark room, the feeling unfamiliar. I bolted up in a panic, but was slowly pulled back down by the strong, warm arms of Remington. His tattoos embedded onto his warm skin, he pulled me back into his chest.
"Mmmm" he mumbled quietly,
"It's like 11 AM." I spoke groggily.
"So?" His voice was raspy in my ear. "I want to see your brothers at some point today." I declared.
"They can wait." He whispered into my skin leaving kisses under my ear.
"Remmy." I warned, but he began kissing down my neck. "Just stay in bed with me all day, you can see them later." His voice hummed against my skin.
I was about to speak but he gently bit down on my skin and then began leaving marks.
"How will- I-I hide th-those?" I stumbled my words, sighing in pleasure.
He wrapped his arms tightly around me.
"Rem-" I begged weakly, I felt him smile, he loved the power he had over me.
I wiggled around in his arms. "I-I won't kiss you again- if-if you don't stop." I made an empty threat. Looking into his eyes
"Don't threaten me, if you know you won't follow through." He smirked. We both knew I would break that promise.
I glared at him, his smirk faltered.
I scared him.
I rolled over and he sighed, he stood up and so did I, but I fell back down, my knees wobbly. Remington was at my side with his arm around me, my face flushed pink remembering the events of last night.
"I'm sorry baby," he spoke helping me stand up straight again. "I'm not complaining." I smirked and walked past him.
I knew he had shock written on his face, after his trance was broken he chased after me.
"My brothers are lame, why do you want to see them?" He asked me boredly.
"Because I love them." I replied like it was obvious. "No- you love me, they're lame."
I bit my lip and shrugged with a smile.
"What's THAT supposed to mean?" He mimicked my actions dramatically.
I let out a small laugh. Remington was about to speak when his phone rang.
I handed it to him, not really noting the name on the screen.
I didn't want to be nosy, so I left as he picked up, but of course I could still hear him.

"Hey mum, how are you?"
"Yup, last night."
"When? Tonight?"
"Oh Okay."
"Love you too, bye."
"Okay bye."

He put his phone down and found me making the bed. "Okay okay okay okay." I mocked his voice with a grin.
"Ha Ha, my mom wants to go see my brothers and I tonight too, but if you don't want to meet her yet, we can figure something else out-"
"Dude, of course I want to meet your mom, she raised three amazing boys, she must be like a goddess or something." I laughed a little to suppress his worried expression. He placed a simple kiss on my lips.
"I told her you were coming." He scrunched up his face like he was afraid I would yell at him, "Good." I smiled. And so did he, letting out a breath of relief,

"I'm gonna shower and then I'll take you to your place so you can get ready." He held my hands gently, speaking softly.
"Unless... you want to join me.." he smirked and as much as I wanted to pass out from his sexiness and say yes, I snorted a laugh and kissed his cheek, walking away from him.

I cleaned up a bit more as Remmy showered, I could hear him singing faintly, it made my heart skip beats when I heard his voice echo through the water.
I straightened up his apartment, finding a piece of paper, it was the same material as the paper in my sketchbook. I recognized the feeling of that paper anywhere, the dull surface grazing my fingertips.
I flipped it over
"The consequence is if I leave, I'm alone. But what's the difference when you beg for love?"
With the date of the night I met Remington underneath. My faded purple pen in loose cursive on the paper.
Why did he take it? I let my fingers graze the torn side of the sheet,
I let my brain scrape for any ideas as to why he would take it.. what value does this hold to him?
And before I knew it, he wrapped his warm, wet, tattooed arms around me
I could feel the water from his chest dampening the back of my shirt.
I breathed in his fresh shampoo scent.
He put his face in the crook of my neck, breathing me in.
"That night, I asked if you were really okay, and you said yes. And I believed you-
I never knew such beauty could hide such pain." His words were careful. I leaned into him more, I had really had this affect on him,

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