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navy (deep dark blue) - associates with deep feeling of small emotions.

I got in the car laughing hysterically.
"That's funny to you isn't it?" He demanded.
"You started it!" I called back.
He drove home with a tight grip on the wheel.
"You can't tease me like in front of your brothers OR YOUR MOM FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I yelled.
"But she's not your mom, you're lucky she didn't catch on."
"IT'S STILL EMBARRASSING!!." I scolded him as we walked into my dark apartment.
He closed the door behind him and I walked away from him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.
I put my other hand in front of me as I collided with his chest. He pushed me up against the wall, a dark look in his eyes.
I looked up at him in the dark, fear striking through me.
I flattened myself against the wall, trying to steady my breathing.
He gently pushed my hair behind my ear, exposing my neck, I saw his jaw clench.

The power he had over me was undeniable, it was a force I could no longer reason with.

"I'm-I'm s-sorry." I whimpered, my lip trembling in fear. I apologized for yelling.
"Shhh." He ran his thumb along my cheek very gently. "It was my fault, I couldn't-" he took a deep breath. "control - myself."

"But, can you really blame me?" His lips curled into a smirk.
He looked me up and down slowly. As my fear was replaced with lust, I glared up at him.
He crashed his lips onto mine immediately dominating with his tongue, he pressed me into the wall further as I let out a quiet moan.
I ran my hands through his soft hair.
"Maybe you need to learn some self-control?" I whispered.
"Around you? I don't think so." He growled and put his hands around the small of my back, bringing me closer. I gripped the fabric on the sides of his t-shirt pulling him as close as I could get him, his warm skin through his t-shirt heated me up quickly.
He broke the kiss and grabbed my wrists, pinning them above my head.

"I'm sorry." He whispered truthfully, his voice made my skin shudder in the best way.
"-If I embarrassed you, you're just so-"
his voice was directly in my ear.
"-sexy." I felt my breath hitch, and my muscles stiffen.
I tugged my wrists gently wanting to touch him, but he held them firmly to the wall.
He began to kiss gently down my neck, making my stomach flip. I tugged a bit harder, but we both know I couldn't match his strength. I let out a small moan and I felt him smile, I couldn't take the teasing anymore.
I pulled my arms off the wall and flipped us around in a swift motion, before he could stop me.
I put my hands in his above his head and glared at him, placing a kiss on his lips.
I dropped his hands and walked away from him.
But he was on me again, his arms wrapped around me from behind.
"Rem." I warned, I was tired and done with his teasing.
He slipped his hand into the front of my jeans,
I gasped loudly. He was gentle and careful, "shh baby, it's okay." His voice was kind and soft in my ear, my stomach knotted.
He rubbed me through my underwear gently and I let out a sigh of pleasure.
A small sound escaped my lips. And he put his hand into my underwear.
I pushed against his hold around me, "Kropp." I warned him weakly.
He slipped a finger inside of me and I let out a loud gasp, my head falling back onto his chest. I 'heard' him smile. "R-R-em-m-" I stuttered almost inaudibly. He worked his fingers slowly, I let out small sighs with every action as he watched me, liking the sight.
I dug my nails into his arm, but I was too weak. He finally pulled his hand out of my pants and I pushed away from him, my legs weak from the knot he created, I stumbled back, not wanting to be teased anymore. A wild blush spread across my face. I fell against the wall.
He licked his fingers deviously, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
"I-I can't-" I whimpered quietly. "The teasing- I-I-I-"

"You want me to just get on with it? Just ask baby." He smirked, loving to play these games with me.
I ran my tongue along my teeth, not amused by any of this, I fixed my jeans and pulled them up a little more. I was flustered and frustrated, my face was burning and pink.
"What do I have to do to prove that I'm
Sorry?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't tease me." My voice growled a little, I didn't realize how close he suddenly became to me again, he twirled a long strand of my hair.
He kissed me, and I used my opportunity to hold him, and run my hands through his black hair, kissing him back.

He looked down at me, and bit his lip.
"You gotta quit that job of yours." His voice was raspy.
"I don't know, how will I pay for mysel-"
"Ah ah ah- if you're apart of our music you don't need to pay, you are paid for." He told me.
"I don't need you to hold me up financially." I was stern, I even pushed away from him a bit to prove my point.
"I know you don't, I'm not offering, I'm telling you." He pulled me back. "I can't do th-"
He cut me off by kissing my lips again, making my heart flip.
"I don't care." He smirked.

Good god I must've been dreaming.
He was so.... perfect.
"Are you gonna get on with it then?" I dared him,
He smiled wide and picked me up almost immediately. I squeaked in surprise.
He put me over his shoulder and walked into the bedroom.
I gripped his shoulder for dear life. My nails digging into his skin through his shirt. He laid me down on the bed and crawled over top of me, kissing my neck and leaving small marks.
I helped him pull his shirt over his head as he reciprocated.
"You are so beautiful." He whispered.
Running his thumb down my face allowing it to part my lips slightly.
"Good god, please be mine?" He asked me.
I held the sides of his face and kissed him.
"Be my girlfriend." His voice was soft, he placed his forehead on mine.
"Yes. Yesyesyes" I smiled wider than I had ever before, my heart ached in my chest.
I kissed him passionately, he couldn't help but smile and accidentally break the kiss.
"I love you, Remington Leith."
I spoke almost inaudibly, Rem pushed me further onto the sheets and smothered me with kisses.
His warm skin made me feel safe, his familiar smell of cologne and shampoo made me happy and his touch made me shudder in the best way.
He easily took off my bra and kicked off his pants, pulling mine down too.
I wrapped my legs around his torso to bring him closer. I flipped us over and kissed his lips, which were red and flustered, calling for more,
Since we had gotten home we hadn't turned on any lights, but our eyes had adjusted.
I straddled him and traced my fingers along his tattoos, the ink designs swirled and shaped into his warm skin. I ran my fingers down his muscles and along his flesh, admiring everything I was seeing.
He flipped us back around and pulled down my underwear, before discarding his own.
Even though I knew what to expect, at the same time I didn't.
I was still afraid and I think he knew that, he always made sure to ask if I was ready, or if I was okay. Staring at his perfect face and body, I had never been more turned on.
"Still mad at me?" He arched a brow,
"Fuck you." I growled as I ached deeply for his touch and he smirked,
"If you insist, my highness." And he pushed into me, I choked out a sob full of pleasure and pain.
He grinded against me as I let out small uncontrollable moans, repeating his name in pure ecstasy.
I pulled my legs around his body to bring him closer, gripping his back as he moved at a steady pace.
My hips grinded against his as he moved in and out of me, my eyes fluttered and rolled back into my head.
"f-fuck" he moaned and I felt the knot get even tighter. I ran my hands into his hair and tugged it lightly, he placed his head in the crook of my neck as he focused on his movements, my body experienced a new kind of pleasure, that overwhelmed me and I reached my high, as did he.
He pulled out and collapsed beside me, our breathing fast and ragged.
"Fuck" I mumbled quietly.
"Round two?" He asked in a joking manner.
I snorted a laugh.
I placed a gentle hand on his moving, breathing chest.
"I love you." I said quietly.
"I love you, Diana." He replied and pulled the soft sheets up over us, and I fell asleep next to him.

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