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onyx (darkest black) associates with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

I walked home in the dark taking in deep breaths of the cool air, I felt like I was being followed, footsteps coming and going. It made me go faster, who could be following me?? I did get home safely, and unfortunately I slept alone that night. Much like I would have to for these next few weeks.

Through the next day I couldn't deny the dread in my chest, I was happy these boys were successful and getting the publicity they deserved and I was more than proud for them but I needed to not rely on only Remington to keep me happy.
My work day was slow, I taught a little girl named Eva how to play a few songs on piano, she asked me so many goddamn questions I thought I would explode.

"Is your hair really that long?"
"Why are you only wearing black?"
"Why do you only have freckles on your nose?"
"Are you wearing green contacts?"
"Why do you know how to play piano?"
"Why does the G note come after the E in this song?"
"Are you sure your eyes are really green?"
"How are your fingernails so long?"

That session couldn't have been any longer, an hour and half with her felt like 4 hours.
When my work day was over, I got ready to drive the boys to the airport
I threw on a light-grey hoodie, some black track-pants and a black SnapBack that I wore backwards to contain my messy curly black hair.

I drove to Emerson's house and honked the horn. The noise cutting through my ears.
I was upset they were leaving, but when I saw their smiling faces and how excited they were, I felt a warm smile spread on my face, they skipped out to my car, talking and laughing. I popped the trunk and they put their suitcases in it.
Emerson and Sebastian sat in the back and Remington sat beside me.
"Thank you for driving us." He spoke softly grabbing my hand.
"Of course, I'm so excited for you guys: make sure you're safe, don't get drunk every night, and put on some dope performances." I gave them a mini "mom speech" they replied with "yes Diana." In unison like trained dogs.

I sped off to the airport. They were so excited we blared songs on the radio, and they sang at the top of their lungs. Being in their positive energy almost made me forget how upset I was they were leaving,

I pulled up to the front of the building, I got out and leaned against the side of my car, Sebastian got out and hugged me, "I'll see you soon kiddo." He smiled with bright eyes. "Good luck, slay those hoes and text me when you land!" I called after him, his suitcase dragging on the cement, he kicked his heels together, making me laugh, loudly.
Emerson hugged me next.
"Text me all the time." He said pushing my hat on my head. "Will do, pirate. Be safe." I smiled, he blew me a kiss and followed Sebastian.

Then Remington..

"It's under three weeks." He said, his dark eyes met mine.
I fixed the hood of his black hoodie, my fingers locking around the dark fabric, our breath visible between us, In the cold air. "I'm always a phone call away." He smiled. I stuck out my bottom lip, and made a cute pouty face, making him sad on purpose. I was going to miss him. "Fuck you." He smiled, not looking at me anymore.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" I smirked.
He bit his lip, "I never make a promise I can't keep." He winked at me and I resisted the urge to make out with him in the parking lot.
I shoved him away a little, the longer he stayed the harder this would be.
But I was pulled towards him, I buried my head into his warm chest.
He took a deep breath in, smelling my hair. He kissed the top of my head and we pulled away.
He let out a long sad breath, smiled and slowly turned around, I watched the three of them walk into the building.
"Good luck ladies!" I called after them. They all jumped in excitement, pumping their fists and began running, sprinting through the building and showing off. Such goofballs.

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