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silver (grey polished to a shine) evokes feelings of sincerity or fear.

I walked up to Emerson who was cleaning up the kitchen, I gave him a hug.
"Thank you so so so much Emerson, I could never repay you for something like this." I held onto him tightly. I could feel him smile.
"Of course Dee, don't sweat it, we care about you and honestly just want what's best. We want you to be happy, you're crashing here tonight- no buts." He held my shoulders and pressed a reassuring smile, as he walked away from me.

I looked out the dark backdoor. Just kinda focusing on my own breathing.
"You're so hot and you don't even have to try." Remington's voice was low and husky from the other side of the room.
I felt my face heat up, and before I could turn around he was on me.
His arms wrapped around me as he breathed in the scent of my hair. I let out a small giggle, and turned around. He smiled when I met his eyes. That action alone made me nervous. He spun around to close the door of the pantry, a few feet away.
"Are you all packed yet?" He asked me, a simple question that my mind raced for words to find the answer to. He began to walk toward me, slowly, a small smirk on his face.
He had me pressed against the cold glass of the back door, I looked up at him with big round eyes.
"I- uhm, still... still have- t-to to pack a f-f-f ew more..." I couldn't put together any words, my mind went blank just looking at him.
He found it very amusing, as his smirk grew,
"You're just a precious little thing aren't you?" His head fell slightly to the side.
And an embarrassed blush spilled across my cheeks.
He cupped my cheek and made me look at him.
"You deserve the world Diana, nothing less. Don't let her bring you down. You are perfect."
Even all this time I've shared with him, he still made me nervous. I had the biggest crush on him.
My cheeks got rosy and my eyes fell.
He hugged me to him.
"You're gonna be okay." He whispered, petting my hair.
"Thankyou for making me feel better, I love you." We both knew he didn't really do anything, but his presence was enough to fill the hole in my heart.
"I love you." He replied. We went to thank Emerson again for helping me and he insisted we stay the night, he gave us the spare bedroom and I followed Rem to it, it was already really late, and I could feel my eyes sting from being open for so long.
I got under the cold sheets, this bed hadn't been used for a little while, but Remington's shirtless figure climbed in next to me, his hot skin keeping me warm. I felt safe.

"I will always love you." Remington whispered and I looked up at him in the darkness. "I will too." My voice was sincere.
There was nothing he could say or do anymore to change that. Even if he did something to make me hate him, I would still always love him. He had done so much for me, that I know I would never forget his name,
his personality,
his face,
his lips.
This was a part of me I couldn't just "get over" or "move on" from.

After we fell asleep, Rem always slept much harder than I did. I was a light sleeper, I heard my phone go off. I tried to ignore it. But it was a text sound. Who would be texting me now?

I carefully rolled over as to not disturb Remmy, and blinked a few times to regain my senses.
I grabbed my phone and checked it.

"Outside. now." ~2:37 AM

I furrowed my brows and processed the message. But apparently I was taking too long.

"Now. Diana."

I slowly and quietly got up. Going to the window I looked out it. Rems car, Emerson's car. And one I didn't recognize.
Not Jones' who?
Another message popped up. My mind began to race. Oh Fuck, OH FUcK whAT

"Tell no one. Come here now and no one gets in trouble."

"Who the fuck are you.? How did you get my number?"

I went down the stairs grabbing the fireplace poker and going to the front door.
I made sure I didn't wake anyone.
If this person was serious, I was not getting the other two involved. No one needed to get hurt today.
I opened the front door and stepped outside. A man in a dark hoodie stood by the car.
"In the car. Now." His voice was low.
I gave him a look of pure confusion. Like he was nuts.
"No, Fuck off who are you?"
"Diana, get in the fucking car."
"Are you fucking crazy? You need to leave now, or I'm calling the cops." I slowly walked towards him with the fireplace pole in hand ready to strike. I was angry and upset I was woken up.
My heart was beating out of my chest, but I tried to look calm.

"Put the stick down and get in the car." He was angry now. I glared at him and locked my arms ready to swing.
"I'm not going to tell you again." I spoke through gritted teeth. He almost seemed taken back by my anger. His hood still covering his face.

He groaned in frustration and pulled a gun out of
His hoodie pocket, aiming it at me.
My heart stopped.
I relaxed my arms and shoulders, letting the pole fall onto the grass quietly.
"I don't know who the fuck you are, but get the fuck off this property now." I still stood my ground, my life on the line.
He turned off the gun safety. Still pointing it at me.
"Shoot me, I fucking dare you. Sound travels." I spat, someone would definitely hear a shot from a gun like that, and the cops would be here faster than he could run. He obviously wanted me alive for some reason, and I was too angry to give up.

"Diana. You've always been so stubborn. Don't want me to shoot your pretty little boy toy do you?"
He aimed the gun at the window, and through the glass Rem was still sleeping on the bed. My mouth fell. And my thoughts stopped.

I put my hands up in surrender.
I still couldn't see his face. I nodded agreeing in defeat.

I walked closer to him and the car. I felt a surge of energy run through me and I grabbed his wrist with the gun and moved it away from the window and to the ground I began to tackle him, but his strength was more than mine and he pinned me to the grass in an instant.
The gun to my head.

And I saw him.


Jones' son. My breath stopped, "jack?" I asked. "Fuck just shoot me." I groaned. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up literally throwing me in the car.
My head hit the other door and my vision went fuzzy. "Diana!" I heard a yell.

It was Emerson.

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