• ZERO •

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''Mr Blake, would you want me to prepare you something? Maybe a coffee?''

''Thank you Amelie, but I have a flight to catch.'' I utter as I tie my necktie.

''So early? I thought it was tomorrow...''

''I thought so too, but work is calling for me. I'll return next week, in the meantime you can rest.. perhaps spend time with your own family. But I hope to see you next Monday.''

''Oh, Mr Blake, thank you so much!'' I glance at Amelie who is smiling at me and return the smile. She leaves my room.

As I notice that I have only twenty minutes to drive to the airport, I grab my only and quite small bag - everyone asks me how I resist to bring more clothes with me, but I don't really care. I can always buy more and help the stores out; probably without me, they would be nothing.

I walk to the nearest taxi.

''To the airport, please.'' I, politely,  ask.


''Bellamy, my darling, finally! I was completely bored without your sweet presence.''

''Poor you. Where's Lexa?''

''She hasn't arrived. As usual. Why do you even care about her, when I'm right here, in front of you?''

''Because she is actually nice and caring. You just want to use me. And you also have the same pick up lines for every boy you meet. I'm the love of Lexa's life - she just hasn't figured it out yet.''

Raven laughs.

''You're the love of her life? You? Is that a joke? Lexa is younger than us. She's childish. Do you really think that she wants to settle down just yet?''

I open my mouth to say something, but Raven interrupts me right away. ''Don't you dare to say something, Bellamy.'' She starts. ''You're being delusional. You're wasting your precious time on a girl that is just looking for trouble and fun. Open your damn eyes.''

''I'm here, I'm here!'' The girl with beautiful green eyes says trying to catch her breath. She ran to us with two big bags, probably full of clothes.

''Here, let me help you, Lexa.'' I grab the two bags. She looks incredibly stunning, as always.

''Oh wow. It's just a beautiful day! We should all open our eyes, because if we don't, we won't realize how beautiful it is. Don't you think?'' Raven attacks.

''Yes it is, Rave. I'm so excited to travel!'' Lexa smiles.

''Careful sissy, you're travelling because of work.''

''Well, that doesn't stop me from going to the beach, right? You're coming with me, aren't you Bell?''

''Of course.'' I assure Lexa while looking eye-to-eye and smiling to her. Unfortunately, she quickly looks away.

Sometimes I feel rejected by her, but I know that my sweet Lexa likes me.


Permanent Love • bellarkeWhere stories live. Discover now