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''May I come in?'' I say after knocking on the door and slightly opening it.

''I guess.'' She answers. I enter the room leaving the door behind me closed. 

''Are you-'' I sit on the bed where the beautiful girl is lying. ''Are you still crying? Lexa.. You know Raven didn't mean any of those things.''

''How would you know?'' She turns looking at me in the eyes. 

''I just.. I just know. You're sisters. Sisters fight sometimes..''

''But she's right, Bellamy!'' Lexa talks louder. Tears roll down her angelic face.

''She's not-''

''Bellamy, I don't want any of this. I don't want to work with you, I don't want to attend meetings, I don't want to be in the same business as my parents. I want to live my life.''

''But you can live your life and work at the same time..''

''No, no I can't. I want to do stuff! Adopt a dog! Go to festivals! It's impossible with this stupid work because I'm always travelling and God knows when I return.'' She sits on the bed. We're too close. 

''Lexa,''  I grab her cold hand. ''It's good money and for a stable life, good money is essential. The work isn't that bad either. You can still build a life with someone you love and have kids and marry and-''

''What?'' She looks surprised. ''I don't want to settle down with anyone.'' She separates our hands. ''Bellamy, I'm twenty-one! I have a life in front of me. I dont wan't any of those things.''

''But I-''

''Tell Raven I'm not going to the meeting.''

''Lexa you have to go. It's part of the job-''

''Bellamy, tell Raven I'm not going. I know what I'm doing.'' She insists.

 I look her in the eyes, thinking about the situation for a few seconds. My hand touches her cheek and with my finger I wipe her tears away.

''Alright. I trust you.'' I kiss her forehead.

''Thank you.'' 

''I have to go now. Someone has to attend the meeting after all..'' My lips form a warm smile, trying to cheer her up. She smiles back. ''Take care while I'm gone.'' My hand, once again, touches her cheek so she could rest her head against it for a moment.


''I can't believe she didn't attend the meeting with us. Mom and Dad will be furious!'' Raven talks fast as she leaves the meeting room. She looks mad, probably capable of ripping someone's head off. 

''We have to respect her decision, Raven. She knows what's the best for her.''

''Oh really?'' Raven turns around facing me, for the first time in fourty minutes. ''Respect her decision?'' She imitates me, laughing sarcastically right after that. ''Did you respect Octavia's decision? Did you?'' She starts attacking me. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. ''Or did you betray her in front of your mommy and daddy and now she's probably out there, homeless, broke and with no one by her side supporting her?'' She gets closer to me. ''You're dumb as fuck, Bellamy Blake. And blind.'' She steps back. ''Lexa isn't the only one that should start acting like an adult and using her brain.'' 

Raven leaves and once again, I'm speechless. Tears roll down my face while I'm standing in the middle of a hall in a building where our meeting took place. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't scream. My body wanted to react but my mind didn't let me. Raven is right and I'm wrong as always. I shouldn't have let Lexa alone in that hotel room and I shouldn't have left my own sister. But today... today I felt a connection with the green eyed girl. I felt like we're soulmates, yet deep down I know she'd never want a guy like me.

''Blake? Bellamy Blake?''

I finally feel something. Someone touched me on the shoulder and I turn around, after whipping my tears away. 

''You-'' I analyze the young woman's face. ''You!'' I smile, showing my teeth.

''Someone's happy to see me, huh?'' She giggles. 

''Sorry, it's just-'' I run my fingers over my hair, while laughing a bit. ''I had the worse day and you just saved it.''

''Oh,'' She smiles shyly. ''I guess I'm glad I saved your day?'' She  kind of asks kind of affirms, laughing after.

''I'm glad too.'' 

We both smile one more time and then we decide to leave the building. Nosy as I am, I tried to ask her what she was doing there. She, nervously, told me her dad worked there. Probably he was with me in the meeting.

The rest of the evening was quite peaceful and Clarke distracted me from all the bad things happening in my life. We even ate ice cream and I learnt a bit of Spanish. She made me feel good and in that few hours I spent with her, life didn't seem hard at all.

Permanent Love • bellarkeWhere stories live. Discover now