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[Author's Point Of View]

''Is this your building?'' Clarke questioned.

''It is.'' He nodded.

Bellamy and Clarke were in his family's building. It was a huge glass tower and in every single division there was a clear vision of the big city, yet Bellamy decided to take her to a more special place.

''This is enormous. I already feel lost, it's like a maze.''

The blonde beauty was amazed; she has been in New York for awhile and saw loads of buildings but never entered one before.

''You haven't seen nothing yet.'' He winked at her, making her automatically blush.

They walked a bit more through a corridor, that almost seemed endless. Short moments after, Bellamy stops walking and turns around to Clarke.

''Now you have to do me a favour,'' He starts with a grin.

''What?'' Clarke questions confused. ''Oh, don't tell me I have to close my eyes,'' She rolls her eyes, chuckling.

''Well, yes you do.'' Bellamy tries to sound serious.

''Whatever, alright,''

After Bellamy certifying she closed her eyes, he enters a security code which opens a metallic door. He grabs her hands and cautiously, leads her to the inside of the room.

''You can open them now.''

As Clarke opens her eyes, her jaw drops instantly. The room had a perfect view to the city, the floor was covered with two blankets and some pillows and some candles were near a corner.

''What.. was is this place?'' Clarke questions, observing it all quietly.

''It's my safe place. I've been coming here since I turned nineteen.. I thought you would like this.'' He says as he tooks off his shoes.

''I love it,'' She mutters with a light smile on her lips and taking her shoes off as well.

Bellamy and Clarke sat on the floor covering themselves with a blanket. They stay like this for a bit, just staring at the beautiful city they had in front of them. Their silent wasn't awkward, it was kind of relieving. They didn't have to speak just now, they found comfort in each other without talking at all.

Both of them had no idea how they could act like this with each other. They met a year ago, talked during a week and then just stopped. But a year after... they still feel like nothing changed, like time froze.

Bellamy lets a laugh escape from his mouth.

''What's so funny?'' She looks at him in confusion.

''When we were in Spain, we were both so single... and now that we are in New York, we are both so committed..''

''Oh! I'm not-- I'm not committed.''

''Really? I never thought you would be the kind of girl that would be open to.. well, open relationships.''

''I'm not. When I date someone, I don't want him to kiss other person.'' She confessed, looking again to the city.

''I don't understand...''

''I'm not dating, Bellamy.''

''You said you were dating Finn... hours ago.''

''I'm not dating Finn, I just said that because I was nervous.''

Permanent Love • bellarkeWhere stories live. Discover now