• epilogue •

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Almost three years later.


''Are you ready, baby?'' My handsome man asks, with a big smile on his face full of freckles. Everytime I tried to count them, new ones appeared. He has so many!

''I'm nervous yes, but, I think I am ready.'' I answer, biting my lip.

''Oh, come here,'' Bellamy grabs my waist joining our lips, as he pulls me closer to him. ''You'll do great. I'm so proud of you!''

''Thanks, Bell'' I say kissing his cheek afterwards. He's always so supportive.

Bellamy and I were outside our car, parked near the Royal College of Art. We have been dating for more than two years and I couldn't be happier.

Our first kiss was followed by many others but we didn't talk about it for the next two days. All I thought during that little break was how much I wanted to kiss him again, but I couldn't - Emori still didn't know. Finn assured me I didn't have to worry, but I was afraid Bellamy prefered her over me. I was feeling like a fool, and maybe I was being a bit egocentric, but I felt happy when I was with him... and I didn't want to let that feeling go.

In the fourth day, I was in Spain again. Bellamy and I didn't stop talking, I had always some notifications on my phone. It didn't bother me at all, but I wished we could be talking face to face.

Not too much after that, I received a call from him.



''Oh, hey Bellamy! How are you?''

''I have news.''

''Really? What happened?''

''I was going to break up with Emori but-''

''But? You didn't? Do you... like her? I mean, for real? Or? I'm sorry we kissed-''

''No! Clarke! That's not it.'' He laughs. ''She broke up with me first.''

Wait what?

Why would Emori ever break up with Bellamy?

''What do you mean?''

''I don't know. She just said 'I'm sorry but I can't date you anymore. I know it has been fake for both us', And I just agreed.''


''This is great news, don't you think? We can finally be together, Clarke!''

I couldn't stop smiling after that call. Although I was in Spain and he was in New York, both us knew we could actually make this work. So we did.

We dated online for nearly five months.

But then...

''What do I do, mom?'' I question, frustrated. ''He hasn't replied since yesterday!''

''Keep calm, sweetie! I'm sure it's just because of the time difference.'' My mother places her hand on my shoulder, recomforting me.

''Maybe he just wants to break up with me,'' I state, as my heart aches just thinking about that.

''Give him five minutes. Now I have to go back,'' She points at some people behind her. ''After all, I am working.'' My mother kisses my forehead, leaving me alone.

I sigh, not knowing what to do. And why should I give him five minutes? What does that even mean?

Beep. Beep.

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