Chapter 3

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I slowly open my eyes, to the blinding rays of the sun. "What time is it?" I mumble, reaching for my phone only for it not to be there. "Where's my phone?" I say, starting to panic as fear sets in. I get out of bed, rushing to the kitchen knowing Steve would be in there. "Steve! STEVE! Where's my phone?" I yell, running down the stairs and sliding into the kitchen. "Steve-" I go silent as I see Thor and the other dude, Loki, from last night. There on the table, was my phone. My face starts to heat up and I slowly back away, out the door. "Alex," I sigh walking back in, pulling my house coat over my body. Crossing my arms, I stand off to the side looking back and forth between them all. "Here's your phone back. You dropped it last night when walking up the stairs. Don't worry, you're not in trouble, just......go get dressed." My eyes light up as I grab my phone and rush out of the kitchen.

I change out of my dress, into some ripped shorts and a sweater that was cut down in a v shape, with string connecting both sides. I slide my phone into my back pocket and walk back downstairs, still seeing Loki there. Pulling out the chair on the other side of Thor, I sit down and say my 'mornings' to everyone there. Steve was standing over the stove, cooking pancakes with eggs and hash browns. My phone dings, telling me I have received a text so I pull it out and see that it was Tate. 'Wanna hang out love?' I quickly type back. 'Sure. But there are some friends of Steve's are here.' It takes him a couple of seconds to respond. 'Okay.' Just then, there was a knock on the door. Loki had gotten up and walked to the front, which was out of view and answered the door. "Who are you?" "I'm a Alex's boyfriend." Tate had a hint of confusion in voice but continued into the house. "Hi love!" Tate said, walking over and pulling me into a hug. "Steve, we're going to be in the living room. Call us when breakfast is ready." Steve nods his head, giving us the thumbs up. I grab Tate's hand and walk out of the kitchen, but all I could feel was Loki's eye's on me the whole time.


"I love you." I say, giggling as I pulled Tate's face closer for a kiss. "I missed you while I was away. What did you do?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "I went to a party for my brothers work or friend get together. The two people on the kitchen are Thor and Loki. Met Loki last night, and boy was he strange. Jenna called me up at the party, drunk and saying she was outside my house. I told her just to go back home to Tyler and hung up before she could answer, yet when I turned around, there he was, standing there and he told me that she doesn't sound like a good friend and that I should stop hanging out with her. I just don't get him." I sigh, nuzzling my head into his shoulder. "Just ignore him. He will go away eventually. If not, just talk about it to Steve." Tate let out a chuckle. My eyes started to feel heavy, I glance up at Tate to see him smiling at me before I close my eyes. The warm embrace made me fall asleep even faster

"Alex. Alex. It's time for breakfast." I slowly open my eyes, to see Tate leaning over me. I reach up at his head, locking my hand in his blonde locks and tugging on it. "Okay." I smile, rolling off the couch a bit then standing up. We walk down the hall to the kitchen. "What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. "It's 10." I look over at Loki, the one I hate at the moment, who answered me. The smile fades away the longer I look at him. "Here you go." Steve hands me a plate with a ton of hash browns. I make a finger gun while winking at him. "Stop while you're ahead Alex. Stop." My cheeks heat up a little as I look over at Thor and Loki, only to see their faces paved with confusion all over. "Wha?" Thors cheeks were stuffed with pancakes as Loki looked annoyed with him. "Well, how does it taste?" "I haven't had it yet." I say, rolling my eyes. Loki sat there with a unpleased look as Thor gave a thumbs up and Tate smiled.


"Where did the day go?" Tate asks me as I sit down, handing him his drink. "At least I don't have to see Loki anymore till the next time Steve has a party he waits me to go to." I chuckle, watching the latest update for the wildfire breakout. "I feel so sad for the people living close to the fires. Like their homes and everything of theirs is in there. They have to evacuate for their own safety and all but..." I sigh, placing my drink down on the coffee table and lean on Tate. He takes a sip of the drink, finishing it off. "Look at the time. I should head home now. I'll call you later love." He kisses me on the forehead, shrugging on his jacket and walking out the door.

I shut it behind him and walk back into the living room, turning the television off. "Steve. STEVE!" I call out, getting no response in return. The house fell silent as I walked through it. 'Did Steve leave without telling me?' I thought to myself as I decided to grab my jacket and head to Tony's.


I walked down the side of his building, looking for the doors. When I found them, I stepped inside pressing the top floor button. The elevator went up, opening when it had reached the designated floor. "Tony?" I call out, walking into his building even further. The lights were on but I didn't see anyone though. "Oh, hey Alex!" "GEEZ!" I scream, clutching my chest. I slide down to the floor as Pepper walks towards me. "Are you okay?" She sat down beside me, leaning against the wall. "I was looking for Steve. I only noticed he was gone after Tate had left." "The avengers were needed. Doesn't Steve tell you when he has to leave?" I shake my head. "They might not be back for awhile right now. Come talk to me if you need to though." "Okay."

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