Chapter 6

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"Butterflies." I whisper in a daze as three, flutter by the window. "Alex!" I huff, standing up and shuffling to the door. "What?!" I yell, holding onto the doorframe. "Come here." "Uuuugggghhhhh!" I moan, somewhat walking down the hall and stairs.

"What did you want?" I ask before looking to my left. "Why is he here? I thought he was supposed to be here in two weeks!" I raise my voice, putting a scowl on my face. "Like I want to be here." Loki huffed, folding his arms across his chest. "Shut the hell up! You're in OUR house, so don't think that you can come in here and try to control me cause Fury will hear what you do." I glare at him, causing tension to build in the room. "Alex, relax. Just go to you room and I'll deal with Loki for now, okay." Steve mentioned, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I shrug it off and slowly start to make my way back up the stairs, where I sit in boredom as the day goes by each passing minute. "Don't be stupid. Don't do anything that will give him something to mock you about. Just don't do anything." I mumble, reassuring my self, knowing that he'll be in the room across from me. I go back to looking out the window, watching nothing. The skies had turned grey in the distance, warning me of a rain storm. "Steve. Steve!" I bellow, waiting for Steve to yell at me. "STEVE?" I yell, walking to my open door. I look down the hallway, both ends and don't see him or Loki. I step out, leaning even further and looking both ways before I step out and head towards the stairs. "Steve's not here. He left awhile ago." I jump, clutching my chest and standing up from the stairs. "What the hell! Why do you do that to me?" I yell, already hating him. He starts to chuckle, walking slowly as I hobble past him. "I know something that you would want to hear." He puts his arm out so I wouldn't go past him. "Don't care." "It's about your boyfriend. He's cheating on you." Loki had a look of 'I know you want to know what's stored in my mind.' "Move your arm before I break it." I hiss out, seeing him jump at the sight of my face. "Whatever. Don't crawl to me when I say I told you so." He sanders back to his room. "Whatever ass."


Alex: Nat, can you come over? I can't handle Loki being here alone with me even though Nick trusted me with him. He's driving me insane.

Nat: Sure. Where's Steve? I thought he was there.

Alex: ......


Nat: Alex? Are you still there?

Alex: Steve just disappeared. I went to look for him when Loki scared me and told some stuff. When I threaten to break his arm, he moved it and went back to his room.

Nat: Want some pizza?

Alex: Yeah. Can you also get some drinks and a movie to watch?

Nat: Sure. See you soon.

Alex: Bye

I place my phone down and stare up at the ceiling. 'Why did I take on this job? Why couldn't I just watch the pets or do paper work? Cause that's a lot easier than watching Loki.' My mind wonders to Tom Hiddleston and the fact that he looks like Loki. "Weird." I state with a chuckle. "What's weird?" I look up to Nat. "Oh nothing." I say, swatting my hand down. "Tell me." She persists. "Fine. I was just thinking how Tom Hiddleston looks so much like Loki. It just made me think of weird." Natasha starts to chuckle. "What the hell. Who's Tom Hiddleston even?" She shrugs. I stand up and start to somewhat walk towards the door, leaning on Nat for support.


"Why am I-" "Shut it Loki and eat your pizza." I say, taking another bite of my slice. "But why I am chained to the couch? You honestly think that I would try to leave the house while having dinner?" Nat and I look at him like he's stupid. "Never mind, I just heard myself." He grabbed his plate and started to eat. I watch the television, but the thought of what Loki said was moving its way to the front of my thoughts. "Loki, was what you said true?" He looks over at me with a raised eyebrow, mouth stuffed with pizza. He swallows, placing his pizza down on his plate. "It is true. The first time I saw him I knew he was hiding something. He couldn't possibly want to be with you every single day. You're so annoying and I've been here for only a couple of days. Don't even know why he started dating you in the first place. What the-OW!" The lamp hit him square in the head as the plate smashed down on his crotch.

"YOU DESERVE THAT, YOU LYING SCUM OF A PERSON! YOU CAN'T EVEN HELP BUT MAKE A JOKE OF MY RELATIONSHIP, THAT YOU JUDGE LIKE A BOOK SITTING ON THE SHELF! I CANNOT EVEN DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I HATE YOU FOR LIVING HERE! I HATE HOW I DECIDED THAT I COULD HANDLE YOU. THAT I COULD DEAL WITH THIS OBNOXIOUS, STUPID, ASS! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I'M HERE!" I scream, tears running down my face. "Alex, are you okay?" Nat asks, setting her hand on my shoulder. I rip my body out from her grip and back away from them. "I can't deal with people like you anymore. I can't stand being alone, in this, this house with him. I'm sick and tired of Steve being gone, just leaving me alone in this house." The tears fall faster down my face. "I-I can't do this anymore."

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