Chapter 10 - Part One

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"Alex?" I hear my voice being called but continue to sleep. "Alex." I roll over on my side and stay there. "Alex!" I open one eye and look over at Loki.

"What?" Sitting up, I watch his movements. He ponders what he was going to ask before actually speaking. "What are we actually doing today? I have never been here and really don't want to do some pathetic midguardian activities." Loki says, rolling his eyes. A habit that he seemingly cannot loose.

I sigh, rolling over and pulling the pillow over my head. The bed dips on the left side and the pillow is lifted off my head. I grumble and place my face into the bed sheets, blocking my sight from him. "Leave me alone." I say. "Pardon? Your voice was mumbled because of what you're doing." Loki said, with the hint of attitude in his voice.

"I said leave me alone please." I roll my head to face him. He gets up and walks towards the television stand, with a little sway of the hips. It causes me to make a little smile to my self. He sits down on the edge of the second bed, pressing power. The television screen flicks on and the home page featuring every part with activities that you could do. "Also Loki, I could only get our passes to start for tomorrow."

Before I know it, I slowly fall into a deep sleep.


I slowly wake up to the sound of silence. Rubbing my eyes gently, I sit up and slide out of the bed. I head towards the bathroom, grabbing my clothes for the rest of the day.

Making my way into the bathroom, I realize that it was too quiet when I woke up. I walk back into the bed area to see It empty. "Crap!" I curse in anger, quickly making my way to my phone when the door unlocks. In comes Loki with a smug smirk on his face, carrying a couple of items in his hand. My jaw drops in confusion; "How did you pay for that? You don't have any money last time I checked."

"I have to say I got it with a little magic." He stated, laughing. I realized what he meant, turning red and coward back. I shake my head in disagree, heading back to the bathroom again. "You could say that I always get what I want!"


Loki POV

I sat down waiting for Alex to finish. Thinking about what she has done for me so far, I realize that majority of the time I was a jerk to her. 'Are these feelings and emotions? Why is a puny girl making me feel in ways that I have never thought I could?' I snap out of the thoughts as Alex walks back out.

Looking her up and down, I realize she looks different. "Ready to go?" She asks, opening her back and throwing a couple of items into it then closing it up. I examine her closely as I stand, nodding my head for her to understand. "Let's go!"

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